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Funding Databases

AASCU's Grant Resource Center

The Grants Resource Center (GRC), a unit of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, has enhanced the research and sponsored programs capabilities of higher education institutions since 1967. To access the GRC, you can create a new account using your UNC email address.


In addition to being the primary electronic submission portal for grant applications to Federal agencies, Grants.gov is also a data base of grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. There are a number of search options, including by agency, keyword, and category (arts, education, health, etc.). You may also search for a specific grant program by its funding opportunity number or CFDA number.  Grants.gov also has a mobile app so you can search for funding from anywhere.

Colorado Grants Guide-CRC America

The Colorado Grants Guide Online is made available to the UNC community by the University Libraries. It is a comprehensive database of funders that support Colorado-based organizations. This database includes many smaller and regional funders that are not found in the larger, national databases.  To access the database, go to the Community Resource Center site, check that you have reviewed and agree to abide by the license agreement, and log on. User names and passwords are not required.

NSF Funding Opportunities

The National Science Foundation provides a Finding Funding option that allows searching by keyword for funding opportunities and for awards made the previous year.

NIH Funding Opportunities

The National Institutes of Health provide an option to use keywords for searching for funding opportunities in the NIH Guide for Grants & Contracts as well as browsing active funding opportunities, recent policies and guidelines, and viewing weekly issues of the Guide.

Foundation Directory Online

From the Foundation Center, this online directory provides access to current information on grantmakers and their grants. There are some 100,000 foundation, corporate giving programs, and public charities and over two million recent grants, as well as a 500,000 key decision makers. UNC does not subscribe to the Directory; however it is available to the public for on site use at the Farr Library, 1939 61st Avenue, Greeley, Colo. It is also available at the Denver Public Library.