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Federal Funding Opportunities

Information about Federal grants and contracts is available from a variety of on-line sources including Grants.gov, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance  (CFDA) and the Federal Register. Most grant-making agencies provide potential applicants with detailed information about their programs, including overall program purpose and goals, what has been funded in the past, proposal development and budgeting tips, application guidelines, review criteria and process, etc.

Federal Agency Grant and Contract Websites

This list of links to some of the major federal granting agencies will take you directly to an agency's information of funding opportunities, grant policies, etc.


The federal government's portal for electronic submission of grant proposal, Grants.gov also provides information on all discretionary grants offered by the 26 federal grant-making agencies.

Sam.gov Assistance Listing

The Sam.gov Assistance Listing provides a full listing of federal funding programs. It does not include application guidelines or deadlines, but is meant to assist potential applicants identify programs that meet their objectives and obtain an overview of specific programs.

Federal Register

The Federal Register is the government's official daily publication for federal agency rules, proposed rules and notices, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. The daily table of contents includes grant notices as soon as they are released.