Communication Studies
Humanities & Social Sciences
Dear LAwrenson:
LA, aka Dr. Lin Allen, welcomes you to UNC! As your Faculty In Residence (FIR), I invite you to check out the special S c h O L A R S Y S T E M Programs I am designing to help you successfully navigate our UNIVERSE-CITY.
I am Professor in the School of Communication, Candelaria Hall, where my latest venture is team-teaching Scientific Communication with Biology Professor Dr. Scott Franklin. I also teach a Persuasion course based on Star Trek episodes and courses in Courtroom Communication. My Persuasion course features “Spock Trials,” and my Courtroom courses feature Mock Trials. I led a study abroad course in Athens, Greece, several summers ago, the birthplace of Communication Studies. I also designed and taught a course in Heroes and Public Memory at UNLV, where I was a Visiting Professor before joining UNC’s faculty.
My interest in studying heroes and legacy began when I was six years old and continued in high school where I participated in debate and drama. A highlight was playing the role of a mother of a soldier missing in action in The death and life of Larry Benson, and performing dramatic readings of Luigi Pirandello’s “War.”
Research travel destinations include Singapore, where I present analyses of various Supreme Court cases with controversies ranging from wedding cakes to wielding a hovercraft in national parks to winning trademarks for rock bands. Singapore’s symbol is the Merlion, and I like to view this part-mermaid, part-lion vessel as displaying various aspects of our persona—playful, mysterious, strong. And, I love to swim, so this mythic creature catalyzes my creativity!
Athena, my feline, and I are excited about welcoming you to our new campus home on the top floor of Lawrenson, where the view should inspire anew Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s observation, “We all have the stars but they are not the same things for different people.”
What are the stars for you?
Dr. Lin Allen
LAwrenson FIR