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Foot Problems

Foot pain and foot disorders are common complaints that make it difficult to walk and carry out daily activities. Certain medical conditions, such as Diabetes, put you at greater risk of foot problems.

Common Foot Problems

  • Bunions - A bony growth a the base of the big toe
  • Calluses and corns - Dead, yellowish, thickened skin on the foot
  • Hammertoes - Toe joints that curl up or under, either rigidly or with some flexibility, results in dislocated joint
  • Arch pain - from fallen arches
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - A type of pinched nerve disorder
  • Morton's Neuroma - Benign nerve growth between the third and forth toes

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is a form of fungus on the foot. It is caused by the same infection that causes ringworm and jock itch. Athlete's foot usually shows between the toes.


  • Redness
  • Scaling
  • Skin Peeling
  • Itching


  • Moisture
  • Sweating
  • Lack of proper ventilation of the feet present the perfect  setting for the fungus to grow


  • Practice good personal hygiene to prevent all forms of fungal infections
  • Wash your feet daily
  • Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between your toes
  • After drying, apply an antifungal product such as Lotrimin
  • Wear cotton socks and change them daily or more frequently if they become wet
  • Avoid tight footwear
  • Dust an antifungal powder into your shoes

Ingrown Toenail

This condition usually results when pressure from improper shoe wear and improper cut of the toenails leads to pain of the tissue at the side of the nail.


  • Cut nails straight across. Do not cut nails shorter at the sides than in the middle
  • File the corners of the nail after clipping if they are sharp
  • Wear shoes and socks that fit well

Self-Care Steps:

  • Soak your foot in warm, soapy water for 5-10 minutes, one to three times a day
  • Gently lift the nail away from the reddened skin at the outer corners with the tip of a file. Firm pressure, with clean fingers to move the soft tissue away from the nails, is also helpful, especially if repeated frequently
  • Place a small piece of cotton soaked in an antiseptic or topical antibiotic, such as Neosporin, just under the outer corners
  • Wear comfy shoes
  • Repeat these steps daily until the nail begins to grow correctly.


  • If caught early, non surgical treatment works. Pressure on the toe should be reduced at minimum by wearing sandals or no shoes. In more sever cases, minor surgery may be required.

Plantar Fascitis

An inflamed ligament along the bottom of the foot that causes pain in the heel when putting weight on the foot.  A heel spur can develop from chronic Plantar Fascitis. This is scarring and calcification under the heal bone.

Self Care:

  • Treatment usually begins with adjustments to shoe wear to try and reduce symptoms
  • Anti-inflammatory medications are sometimes used to decrease the inflammation in the fascia and reduce pain. Surgery is the last resort
  • Rest the foot and avoid high impact activities
  • Apply ice to the heel two to three times a day
  • Support the arches of your feet to protect them from further stretching and tearing