Command Staff
The Command Staff plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the general law enforcement and public safety program at the University, including uniformed patrol, investigations, crime prevention, emergency management, security functions, communications and records management, and overall operations of the Department.
Aaron Carmichael
Chief of Police
Department Staff
The UNC Police Department is staffed by 18 sworn full-authority Level 1 Colorado POST certified police officers, as well as numerous support positions.
The Department is broken out in the following divisions:
The UNC Police Department's Patrol Division is split into two teams, each supervised by a Corporal. The Patrol Division is responsible for patrolling the UNC campus to enforce federal and state law, as well as University regulations, protect persons and property, prevent, detect and solve crimes and to maintain order. They also enforce traffic regulations, investigate traffic accidents and issue tickets. The Patrol Division also assist other law enforcement agencies and University departments.
Sergeant Sean Menard
Sergeant Brian Hogsett
The UNC Police Department's Investigations Division consists of two full-time detectives. The Investigations Division conducts difficult or technically demanding criminal investigations, writes search and arrest warrant affidavits, makes arrests and testifies in court concerning his/her investigations. The detectives also maintain all evidence seized during the course of all criminal investigations.
Investigations Supervisor: Commander Rick McNair
The UNC Police Department Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing radio and telephone communications for both the Police Department and the University. The Communications Center also monitors emergency telephone and alarm systems, and maintains access to both national and state crime computer networks. The Communications Center also serves as the Police Department's Records Division, maintaining police reports and records.