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Step 3: Identifying artifacts for EDSE 999 shell

As you take courses in the master’s program, you will need to save particular projects and, in some cases, rubrics for those projects. Please note: Keep copies of critical artifacts on a memory stick, in your computer hard drive, or in some other electronic media storage system. By backing up these works, you could be saving yourself from an extreme hardship of having to re-do projects.
In the EDSE 999 course shell, there are sites especially prepared for each artifact that you need to upload, so that they can be effectively and efficiently reviewed and scored as pass or fail. The required artifacts are: Current Resume; Educational Philosophy; IEP Proficiency Demonstration; Case Study Summary; FBA/BIP; Literacy Curriculum Analysis & Critique; Data Analysis & Math Improvement Plan; Assessment and Intervention Plan; Learning Strategies; and the Mid-term Practicum Progress Report. These are described below.
Current Resume
Develop a professional resume for yourself, and post it at the required site in the EDSE 999 environment. Professional guidelines for completing a resume vary, and there is no specific format that you have to follow.
Educational Philosophy
Develop an educational philosophy for yourself, and post it at the required site in the EDSE 999 environment. The philosophy that you post can be from a course (EDSE 510) or from any other source, and there are no format criteria that you need to adhere to in this document.
IEP Proficiency Demonstration
You must post at this site in the EDSE 999 environment both an IEP and a rubric showing complete proficiency in this process. Most students will use the IEP that they completed in the EDSE 512 class and the rubric provided by the instructor. (If it is not fully proficient when you finish the course, still post both the rubric and IEP. Arrangements can be made later to move you toward proficiency.)
Case Study Summary (EDSE 613)
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Literacy Curriculum Analysis & Critique (EDSE 616)
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Data Analysis & Math Improvement Plan (EDSE 617)
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Assessment and Intervention Plan (EDSE 618)
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Learning Strategies Project (EDSE 619)
This project should be posted by you, and graded with a rubric by the course instructor, in the EDSE 999 environment. If your instructor does not do this but gives you a hardcopy or electronic version of the rubric for your records, scan and post in the EDSE 999 shell. If your instructor does neither of these, please contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Mid-term Practicum Progress Report
Many students will take their comprehensive examination in the same semester as their practicum (EDSE 693). Because the comprehensive examination must be fully completed before a semester is over, it would be impossible for these students to post their practicum projects in the EDSE 999 environment. Yet, the practicum is an essential part of a student’s program.
To address this, we have developed the Mid-term Practicum Progress Report. This document will be provided to your university consultant approximately halfway through the semester of your practicum. This person will complete the document, sign it, and give it to you for posting. You need a “proficient” score on this document to both pass this artifact requirement and to pass the comprehensive examination.
If you took your practicum course at an earlier date, and you received a grade of B or better, this comprehensive examination requirement will be waived. If the practicum has been waived from your program of studies (e.g., some international students, some students with previous general education teacher licenses), this particular comprehensive examination requirement is waived as well.