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Research Nights

student presenting research

Student presenting research

studet presenting

student presenting

Each fall semester, University 101 students participate in our Research Nights. It is the culmination of their semester’s work and their introduction to UNC’s scholarly community. Every fall, approximately 500 students (mostly freshmen) present their research projects in the form of research posters.

For many, this is their first time to complete this type of project at the college level as well as formally present their findings. Everyone, including UNC students, faculty, staff, student family members, and the Greeley community are welcome to come and show their support!

In addition to the hard work shown from all University 101 students to participate in Research Night, students are invited to sign up for an additional  Research Excellence competition.  Scholars interested in this competition get to experience additional judging and feedback on their posters the night of Research Night.  The honors associated with this competition are excellent additions to academic CVs, practice for other future conferences, and an exciting way to acknowledge the high-quality research the student conducted.  

UNIV 101 wishes to congratulate the following scholars in their achievements at the Fall 2023 Research Night:  

Monday Nov 13th:

1st – Katelyn Buchanan

2nd-  Allyson Becerra

3rd – Kaitlin Stubbings

Tuesday Nov 14th:

1st – Ava Bockhouse

2nd – Renee Greenberg

3rd – Cayla Jackson

Well done Bears!!