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" " Professional Development - 434 Specs 

The detailed specifications for the Professional Development page of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 434 are as follows: 

" "Final Submission

For this final submission, you will...

" "Site Structure

Site Navigation:

Select Professional Development page

" " Page Structure / Standardized Content

Overview Section:

Finalize the overview section. 

" "Copy word for word from the Si Website Template for Cohort 1.

Standards Section:

Finalize the standards section. 

" "Copy SIS Standards (word for word) from the Si Website Template for Cohort 1.

In-Page Navigation / Introduction Section:

Finalize the in-page navigation / introduction section. 

" "Update base on page sections / headers. Link to appropriate page sections / headers.

" "Reorder existing sections and add a new section.

Artifact Sections:

Finalize the artifact sections. 

" "Ensure page has existing artifact sections based on primary and secondary headers:

        • EIPA Tests
          • EIPA: Written
          • EIPA: Performance
        • Case Conferencing
        • Bridge Activities for Professional Development
          • Bridge Activity #1 (replace with title of activity)
          • Bridge Activity #2 (replace with title of activity)

" "Expand all content as appropriate to reflect current knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

" "Add new content for Bridge Activities for Professional Development.

Reflection Section:

Finalize the reflection section. 

" "Update based on the entirety of your competence given the page's new and existing artifacts.

Reference Section:

Finalize the reference section. 

" "Update based on in-text citation. Delete section if no references are needed.

" " Remember personal communications require appropriate citations.

Comment Section:

Apply all feedback from comment section as well as feedback from the external review.

" "Delete section once all feedback is applied.

" "  Original Content / Artifacts

EIPA Tests Section:

Reorder the EIPA section to the first artifact

Edit / Add the primary and secondary headers to the section

Add each of the EIPA tests (Written & Performance) as secondary headers

Add a projected date of completion

Add a rationale for the projected date

Explain the plan to ensure test readiness between now and the projected test date

Bridge Activities for Professional Development Section:

Add a new section

Add the appropriate primary and secondary headers

Add an introductory paragraph summarizing the PSI Project's provision of bridge activities beyond academic training as a school interpreter

Transition from the introductory paragraph to the deeper explanation of two activities

Select two activities to discuss more deeply

Add each of the two selected activities as secondary headers

Add a specifical explanation of the activity; highlighting the support provided by the activity

Explain how the activity builds upon / extends previous learning within the SIS curriculum

Add what you look forward to as well as may be of concern for this activity

Add a projected date of completion; a general date like "fall 202x" is acceptable

" "  Review Preparation

Page Review:

Your School Interpreting Websites will be internally reviewed and graded.

Ensure the showcase nature of this page. 

Read the page from top to bottom for cohesion and coherence.

Check for spelling and grammar.

Check APA in-text citations and reference.

Check artifact displays and links work as intended. Consider scale as part of viewability.

Add text statement identifying the language(s) used in videos (i.e., This video uses spoken English.) 

Check for formatting accuracy and consistency.

Remove placeholder content, including text in [brackets].

" "  Publish Changes


Save and publish your site.