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" " Newsfeed - 432 Specs 

The detailed specifications for the Newsfeed page of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 432 are as follows: 

" "Checkpoint 2

For this Checkpoint, you will...

" "Site Structure

Site Navigation:

Select Newsfeed page

" " Page Structure / Standardized Content

Overview Section:

This section states an overview of this page and is based on one of the School Interpreting Series competencies. 

" "Update the overview based on the Si Website Template for Cohort 1 (copy word for word)

Standards Section:

This section lists the relevant School Interpreting Series competency for the theme of the page. 

" "Update the overview based on the Si Website Template for Cohort 1 (copy word for word)

Introduction & In-Page Navigation Section:

This section summarizes the contents of the entire page and provide a personalized introduction to the artifacts used to demonstrate Newsfeed. In-page navigation helps to navigation through a lengthy page.

" "Update based on the existing and new artifacts on the page. Present newsfeeds in a logical order.

Newsfeed Sections:

This section explains current issues in the intersection of education and interpreting. 

" "New artifacts from INTR 432 & 433.

Reflection Section:

This section provides an overarching reflection of one's learning of the presented artifacts and the SIS competency. 

" "Update based on the existing and new artifacts on the page.

Comment Section:

Comments is the way instructors will provide feedback on your School Interpreting Website.

" "Apply feedback each time you update this page.

" "  Original Content / Artifacts

Newsfeed Sections:

Replace placeholding content with:

Add a title of the Newsfeed.

Add the Newsfeed.

Add a Notes Section

" "New newsfeed from INTR 432 & 433.

" " Visit the Si Website Template for Cohort 1

Reflection Section:

" "Update the overarching reflection based on the collective artifacts of this page.

Pro Tip: Use the 5R Framework for Reflection with Reflection to Critical Reflection qualities 

Misc. Sections:

" "Update these sections as needed:

Introduction & In-Page Navigation

Previous Newsfeeds

" "  Review Preparation

Page Review:

Your cohort's School Interpreting Websites will be external reviewed for group feedback by an external review team during the winter break between INTR 432 / 433 (fall) and INTR 434 (spring).

Ensure the showcase nature of this page. 

Read the page from top to bottom for cohesion and coherence.

Check for spelling and grammar.

Check APA in-text citations and reference.

Check artifact displays and links work as intended.

Check for formatting accuracy and consistency.

Remove placeholder content.

" "  Publish Changes


Save and publish your site.