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" " Home - 432 Specs 

The detailed specifications for the Home page of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 432 are as follows: 

" "Checkpoint 1

For this Checkpoint, you will...

" "Site Structure

Site Navigation:

Select Home page

" " Page Structure / Standardized Content

Home Section:

This section states the purpose of the School Interpreting Website as a project. 

" "Update based on your understanding of the School Interpreting Website project.

In-Page Navigation Section:

This section summarizes the contents of the entire page and helps to navigation through a lengthy page.

About Me Sections:

These sections introduce you as the creator of the School Interpreting Website through About Me, Academic Background, Myers Briggs (and SIS Competency), School Interpreting Journey, and Community Ties.

" "Update based on changes to you as the creator.

Comment Section:

Comments is the way instructors will provide feedback on your School Interpreting Website.

" "Apply feedback each time you update this page.

" "  Review Preparation

Page Review:

Your cohort's School Interpreting Websites will be external reviewed for group feedback by an external review team during the winter break between INTR 432 / 433 (fall) and INTR 434 (spring).

Ensure the showcase nature of this page. 

Read the page from top to bottom for cohesion and coherence.

Check for spelling and grammar.

Check artifact displays and links work as intended.

Check for formatting accuracy and consistency.

Remove placeholder content.

" "  Publish Changes


Save and publish your site.