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" " Interpreting Skills - 431 Specs 

The detailed specifications for the Interpreting Skills page of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 431 are as follows: 

" "Checkpoint 5

For this Checkpoint, you will...

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" " Page Structure / Standardized Content

Page Heading:

Confirm heading as "Interpreting Skills"

Body Headings:

Confirm secondary headings

  • "Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback" (Add this heading)
  • "Best Elementary Interpretation"
  • "Best Secondary Interpretation" (Change Best Middle School to this)
  • "Best Adult Interpretation"
  • "Overarching Assessment of Interpreting Skills"
  • "Overarching Reflection"
  • "References"

Delete any other secondary headings including content under this heading

  • "Best High School Interpretation"

" "  Original Content / Artifacts

Page Body:

Add text stem and edit
"This webpage includes a demonstration of my competence within Interpreting Skills through….[Add introductory paragraph highlighting all the content of this page.]"

Under the secondary headings in the body for "Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback:"

  • Add text stem and edit
    "As a recipient of an academic scholarship through the Office of Special Education Program and the Preparing School Interpreter (PSI) Project at the University of Northern Colorado, I was able to take the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) the summer before entering the concentration in School Interpreting. The EIPA is...[Briefly describe what the EIPA is.]"
  • Add additional text stem
    "Taking the EIPA provided an external evaluation of my language and interpreting abilities which was reviewed with me by members of the PSI Project. I received the following initial feedback."
  • Add summary of strengths and areas of improvement based on feedback received from the EIPA and the review with PSI staff. Consider each roman and explain what this feedback means for language and interpreting abilities.

" "Summary of EIPA feedback cannot contain actual score information due to confidentiality reasons.

Sample website of the "Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback" section:

Screenshot of Scholar Si Website for the Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback section

Despite being a scholar, you may not have EIPA feedback as you are an advanced placement student or you accepted the OSEP scholarship and joined the cohort after the PSI Project administrated the EIPA. This section is still a requirement of your School Interpreting Website. You will need to be creative with this section.

The goal of this section is to present a baseline on your interpreting ability at the beginning(ish) of the SIS courses. Potential secondary headings might be "Summary of Initial Interpreting Feedback," or "Interpreting Feedback Prior to Being an OSEP Scholar," or the like.

The content should:

  • Explain the lack of the PSI Project administrated EIPA exam and your presentation of other feedback source(s),
  • Specify the sources and reliability of the feedback used (i.e., instructor feedback in the ASLEI program, interpreting mentors, a prior EIPA exam, another interpreting credential exam, workplace performance evaluations, self-assessments, etc.), 
  • Summarize strengths and areas of improvement known from the feedback sources, &
  • Explain what this feedback means for language and interpreting abilities (if possible, relate feedback to the EIPA romans).

Sample website of the alternative approach to the "Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback" section:

Screenshot of Scholar Si Website for the alternative Summary of Initial EIPA Feedback section

Page Body:

Under the secondary headings in the body for "Best Elementary Interpretation:"

  • Add or revise introduction of the source text
    • Consider relative and informative factors like: setting, content area / topic, age of participants, educational goals / theories / practices, IEP goals, etc.
  • Add or revise artifacts - preparation for and video of interpretation
  • Add or revise additional information about these artifacts that you feel is relevant for / to site visitors
    • Consider relative and informative elements like: the kind of prep completed, why this prep was selected / beneficial, use of the interpreting continuum, use of prep during the interpretation, how IEP goals shaped decision-making, etc.

Repeat under the secondary headings in the body for "Best Secondary Interpretation" (see Best Interpretation Considerations below). Secondary refers to both middle school and high school. Your best interpretations can come from either setting.

Repeat under the secondary headings in the body for "Best Adult Interpretation" (see Best Interpretation Considerations below)

" " Only interpretations produced in the SIS courses (INTR 430, 431, 432, 433, and 434) may be used as artifacts in your School Interpreting Website.

" " Leave the placeholder content for any of the sections that you do not yet have a best interpretation for. 

" " Replace earlier interpretations with better interpretations as you product them in SIS courses. 

Pro Tip: Focus on the artifact as proof of learning; let go of the assignment requirements

" "Best Interpretations:

By the final submission of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 435, you will present 3 best interpretations. Over the length of your SIS studies, you will complete more than 3 interpretations. You will select the best of the best for your website following these categories:

  • Best Elementary Interpretation
  • Best Secondary Interpretation
  • Best Adult Interpretation

It's likely, your best interpretations will

  • come from various SIS assignments / courses
  • be from various semesters
  • be replaced as your generate more interpreting work

For example, your best elementary interpretation could be from INTR 430 while your best secondary interpretation is from INTR 431 and you have yet to do an adult interpretation in either INTR 430 or 431. It could be that both best interpretations are from the most current skills class. 

You will need to assess the content of your Interpreting Skills page in each SIS course and update the best interpretations based on all the interpretations you have to-date. 

" "  Reflective Content

Page Reflection:

Under the secondary headings for "Best Elementary Interpretation:"

  • Explain (or replace/revise) why this is your showcase interpretation at this level and how the artifacts are best at demonstrating parts of the associated SIS Competencies. Give consideration to how this showcase collection relates to the initial EIPA feedback - strides being made and the continued areas of improvement.

Repeat under the secondary headings in the body for "Best Secondary Interpretation" and "Best Adult Interpretation."

Under the secondary headings for "Overarching Assessment of Interpreting Skills:"

  • Explain (or revise) the overall growth and patterns in your entire body of interpreting working
  • Identify specific skills that have gotten stronger and outline what you did to support your growth
    • Draw from the initial EIPA feedback (relate back to EIPA romans as appropriate), your own assessments, and instructor feedback
    • Include 1) knowledge-rich vs. knowledge-lean skills, 2) processing, and 3) decision-making based Demand-Control Schema and Role-Space
  • Identify specific skills that are still a challenge and discuss the outcomes of these challenges
    • Draw from the initial EIPA feedback (relate back to EIPA romans as appropriate), your own assessments, and instructor feedback

" " Overarching Assessment Considerations:

The overarching assessment should encompass a boarder view than just the best interpretation provided above. Interpreting is a very complex ability. You are a novice or an expert or somewhere in the middle for any one facet that makes up an interpretation. Thus, you can both have best interpretations, growth, and areas of improvement.

Under the secondary headings for "Overarching Reflection:"

  • Explain (or revise) what you learn about yourself as both a person and a professional by creating, revising, and compiling the content of this webpage. Where are your strengths and how will these strengths benefit you in your school interpreting work? Where are your shortcoming and how will these shortcomings challenge you in your work? How have you grown in the stated SIS Competencies? Who and what contributed the most to this learning and in what ways? Where do you go from here both in the short- and long-term?

If you have received peer or instructor feedback on this webpage or it's artifacts:

  • Summarize the feedback. Explain how the feedback impacts the webpage / artifacts and, ultimately, your possession of the stated SIS Competencies, your journey in school interpreting, and your employability and professional brand as a school interpreter.

  • Outline steps you have taken and/or steps you need to take (and when) to make this a showcase webpage / artifacts.

Pro Tip: Use the 5R Framework for Reflection with Reflection to Critical Reflection qualities 

" "  Publish Changes


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