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" " Template - 430 Specs 

 The detailed specifications for the Template of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 430 are as follows: 

" "Checkpoint 1

For this Checkpoint, you will...

" "Account

Create Account:

Sign up for a free account at www.wix.com.

Use any email address you wish.

" " Need help? Wix Help Center

" "Template

Get Template:

Email amy.kroll@unco.edu requesting the template.

Share the email address you used to create your Wix account.

Accept the transfer of the School Interpreting Website (Invitation expires after 3 days).

" "Home Page

Home Page:

In the header on the home page:

Replace [Student Name] with your name.

Click Save and then Publish (upper right corner).

Pro Tip: Hover over Publish, click Visit Site, and see your website live on the internet. You will share this URL as part of Checkpoints.