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" " Roles & Responsibilities - 430 Specs 

The detailed specifications for the Roles & Responsibilities page of the School Interpreting Website in INTR 430 are as follows: 

" "Checkpoint 4

For this Checkpoint, you will...

" "Site Structure

Site Navigation:

Select Roles & Responsibilities page

" " Page Structure / Standardized Content

Overview Section:

This section will state an overview of this page. The overview is based on themes identified in the 10 School Interpreting Series competencies. 

" " This overview will evolve as OSEP Scholars progress through the SIS courses.

Standards Section:

This section will list the relevant School Interpreting Series competencies for the theme of the page. 

" " The standards will evolve as OSEP Scholars progress through the SIS courses.

In-Page Navigation Section:

This section serves to summarize the contents of the entire page and introduce the artifacts used to demonstrate the Roles & Responsibilities. It also serves as in-page links to navigate a lengthy page.

" " The navigation will evolve to mirror page contents.

Roles & Responsibilities Sections:

These sections will share, explain, and reflection on the roles and responsibilities of the IEP team.

For OSEP Scholars continuing on in the SIS Series, you will keep the roles and responsibilities sections as is.

Future additions to this page will include sight translation. 

For ASLEI students going into community settings, you will modify the roles and responsibilities sections. 

You will delete sight translation section and in-page navigation.

Reflection Section:

This section will provide an overarching reflection of one's learning of the presented artifacts and the SIS Competencies. 

" " The overaching reflection will evolve each time a new artifact is added to the page.

Reference Section:

This section will list references used throughout the page.  

" " The reference list should be updated as appropriate. 

Comment Section:

Comments is the way instructors will provide feedback on your School Interpreting Website.

" "  Original Content / Artifacts

Roles & Responsibilities Sections:

For each of the roles identified - 1) school interpreter including interpreter, tutor, and your choice, 2) "Core" IEP Team, 3) "Whole" IEP Team, and 4) "DHH" IEP Team...

Replace placeholding content with:

Define the role and list major responsibilities.

Describe how the role, through its responsiblities, supports the system of education and who is served by this role. 

Identify employment standards (as appropriate)

Explain oversight or collaboration (as appropriate)

Replace placholding titles of the Educational Team with the specific titles of selected team members (i.e., Parent, Student, Administrator, Audiologist, Nurse, etc.)

Pro Tip: Focus on the artifact as proof of learning; let go of the assignment requirements

Reflection Section:

Replace placeholding content with:

Add an overaching reflection based on the contents of the entire Roles & Responsibilities page. Place your learning in a boarder context than just the assignment that created the knowledge. 

Pro Tip: Use the 5R Framework for Reflection with Reflection to Critical Reflection qualities 

Misc. Sections:

Update these sections (replacing placeholding content):

In-Page Navigation


" "  Publish Changes


Save and publish your site.

" "Final Submission

For this final submission, you will...

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" "Site Structure

Site Navigation:

Select Roles & Responsibilities page

" "  Original Content / Artifacts

Roles & Responsiblities Page:

Revise all sections of the Roles & Responsibilities page, include In-Page Navigation, Roles, Reflection, and Reference. 

Apply instructor comments, discussion posts, as well as learning from visiting your peers' School Interpreting Websites throughout the semester.

Demonstrate your growth of understanding for systems of and collaboration within educational settings, yourself, and your future work (full time or temporarily) in school settings.

Comment Section:

Incorporate any feedback into the final submission of this page.

" " OSEP Scholars (continuing in the SIS courses) should retain comments as this product is a work-in-progress. 

" " ASLEI students (non-OSEP Scholars) should delete comments to present a final product.

" "  Publish Changes


Save and publish your site.