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Resource Center: School Interpreting Website

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As a school interpreter, you will work collaboratively on an interdisciplinary team to ensure free and appropriate public education for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

As a community interpreter working in K-12 academic settings, you too will temporarily join interdisciplinary teams and work collaboratively to directly or indirectly support the education of deaf and hard of hearing students.

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As part of your journey in school interpreting, you will create your own School Interpreting Website. This School Interpreting Website will engage you on an on-going basis as you develop important interpreting, educational, and professional capabilities. It will capture your career development and professional learning through student-centered product and reflective processes which will develop within you a strong sense of personalized ownership of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for school interpreting. 

The knowledge, skills, and attitudes for school interpreting is outlined in the ten School Interpreting Series (SIS) Competencies and is the framework of the School Interpreting Series. The School Interpreting Website is how you will engage with, reflect upon, and demonstrate the SIS Competencies and thus, your ultimate component, collaborative, and interdisciplinary practice as an on-going or temporary service provider in educational settings.

OSEP Scholar as Future School Interpreter

You will take INTR 430, 431, 432, 433, & 434.

You will create, add to, and refine your School Interpreting Website throughout the five SIS courses.

Your progressive website will introduce, practice, and provide opportunity to apply your knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in the five SIS courses.

Your School Interpreting Website will be a stand-alone and comprehensive resource showcasing your school interpreting brand and employability that supports your on-going services in educational settings.

Your School Interpreting Website can be used as an artifact in the ASLEI Capstone Portfolio.

ASLEI Student as Future Community Interpreter

You will take INTR 430.

You will create, add to, and refine your School Interpreting Website throughout INTR 430.

Your progressive website will introduce, practice, and provide opportunity to apply your knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in INTR 430.

Your School Interpreting Website will be a stand-alone and basic resource showcasing your specialized school interpreting knowledge and skills that supports your temporary services in educational settings.

Your School Interpreting Website can be used as an artifact in the ASLEI Capstone Portfolio.

The School Interpreting Website will serve as a resource post-graduation as you begin working in educational settings.

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The purpose of the School Interpreting Website is to

  • develop a engaged, reflective, career-long learner with a high degree of employability,
  • showcase the critical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of a school interpreter, and
  • highlight membership on the educational team with other interdisciplinary educators and providers.

The Learning Experience

The School Interpreting Website will provide you with an integrated and holistic learning experience as you progressively create and refine your website over time; within a class (OSEP Scholars and ASLEI students) and across the School Interpreting Series (OSEP Scholars). The progressive and holistic nature of the website will enhance your learning in three different manners.

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Highlights accomplishments, aptitudes, and best / most important work.

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Artifacts will document your abilities as a school interpreter. Artifacts are pre-selected based on course materials, readings, discussions, activities, and assignments that have been identified as targeting specific SIS Competencies.

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Evaluates individual progress
towards SIS Competencies.

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Original and reflective content will examine your current ability to demonstrate the corresponding SIS Competencies within a larger context and professional practice.

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The 5R Framework / Reflection Continuum provide guidance in the composition of and the quality of reflection.

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Tracks the expansion of SIS Competencies over time.

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Adding and expanding artifacts and content reveals progressive mastery over prolonged practice.

The Progression

The progressive nature of the School Interpreting Website is outlined in the following six buttons. Each button links to a specific SIS course which has it's own specifications for the School Interpreting Website.

The Structure

The comprehensive School Interpreting Website will have the following webpages which will present yourself and your learning, growth, and reflection over time. 

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For ASLEI students pursuing community interpreting, your School Interpreting Website will have fewer webpages. Pages identified as "Created in INTR 430" are the pages you will have in your website. 

" "Home

Created in 430

Updated in 432

SIS Competency N/A

Key elements include:

  • Purpose statement of the School Interpreting Website
  • Academic profile
  • School interpreting journey
  • Community Ties

" "  Systems & Collaboration (under Structures & People)

Created in INTR 430

SIS Competency 1

Key elements include:

  • Ecological System of a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student

" "  Roles & Responsibilities (under Structures & People)

Created in 430

SIS Competency 8, 2, & 1

Key elements include:

  • Roles & Responsibilities of a School Interpreter
  • Roles & Responsiblities of members of the Educational Team

" "  Child & Language Development (under Students & Learning)

Created in INTR 430

Updated INTR 431 & 433

SIS Competency 3 & 2

Key elements include:

  • Developmental Overview
  • Development of an Elementary-Aged Student
  • Development of an High School-Aged Student
  • Learning graphic

" "  Individualized Education Plan (under Students & Learning)

Created in INTR 430

Updated 433

SIS Competency 1, 2, & 6

Key elements include:

  • IEP vs. 504 Plan (Key Comparisions)
  • IEP Assessments

" "  Interpreting Skills

Created in INTR 430

Updated in INTR 431 & 432

SIS Competency 6 & 4

Key elements include:

  • Best Elementary Interpretation
  • Best Middle School Interpretation
  • Best High School Interpretion
  • Best Adult Interpretation
  • Cycle of Learning & Teaching
  • Overarching Assessment of Interpreting Skills

" "  Resource Library (under Resources)

Created in INTR 430

Updated in INTR 433

SIS Competency 1 & 3

Key elements include:

  • Multiple resources in the areas of:
    • Adaption & Accommodations
    • Child & Language Development
    • Deaf Education
    • Education
    • Literacy

" "  Newsfeed (under Resources)

Created in INTR 430

Updated in INTR 431 & 432

SIS Competency 5

Key elements include:

  • Current issues in education / interpreting
  • 2023 Supreme Court Case

" "  Professional Development

Created in INTR 430

Updated in INTR 433

SIS Competency 10

Key elements include:

  • Resources for Interpreting & Professional Support
  • Professional Development Badges (Case Conferencing & EIPA Practice Test)