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OSEP Scholar Information

The PSI Project will award an OSEP scholarship for a total of 27 upper division students in the UNC ASL-English Interpretation (ASLEI) program from 2021-2026. These students will be OSEP Scholars.

The PSI Project's OSEP Scholarship will prepare you to successfully work in public schools as part of the interdisciplinary team who support the education of students who are deaf and hard of hearing. As an OSEP Scholar, you will complete a 15 credit School Interpreting Series  (SIS) concentration based on the Values and Competencies, as part of your ASLEI BA coursework.

Graduate Spotlight

Scholar Requirement

To be considered for the OSEP scholarship under the PSI Project, you must be an ASLEI studentThe OSEP scholarship is only available to ASLEI students who are:

" "
A Year 2 Student

" "
Entering Year 3 this Fall
(i.e., 300-level courses)

" "
In good academic standing
(Maintain ASLEI eligibility requirements, without provisional status)

Become an ASLEI Student

Visit the ASLEI program for more information.

Application Process Application Deadline: April 15th

The SIS Degree Plan is the typical plan of study for a full-time ASLEI student who is an OSEP Scholar. Part time enrollment status is available and will be based on advisement from ASLEI Program advisors.

Perks of the PSI & ASLEI Partnership

As an OSEP Scholar, you will get two years of financial support to complete your BA degree in ASL-English Interpretation with a concentration in Educational Interpreting.

As an ASLEI student, you will enter the profession as a competent, autonomous practitioner. The ASLEI curriculum is:

" "
Based on research with input from expert sources

" "
Offered on campus or online to impact the national need for qualified interpreters

Working as a Certified Interpreter

The ASLEI program recognizes national interpreting credentials.

" "

  • RID
  • ED:K-12 (ASL or PSE only)
  • 4.0+ on the EIPA performance & the EIPA written

In most cases, a professional credential qualifies you to enter the program in summer of Year 2, the semester before the OSEP scholarship begins.

" "

Email unofficial transcripts & credentials to PSIproject@unco.edu

Receive an review of what the ASLEI Program could look like for you as an OSEP Scholar.

Any changes to the typical plan of study or length of study for the ASLEI program will come from the ASLEI advisor after your transcripts and credentials have been reviewed and you have been accepted into UNC and the ASLEI Program.

Scholar Expectations

Submit PSI's
OSEP Application

" "

Apply for the
OSEP Scholarship Award.

Application is opens until April 15, 2024.

Be an
OSEP Scholar

" "

Complete the concentration as part of your ASLEI major.

Attend meetings & advising sessions.

Commit to

" "

Complete mentorship, professional experiences, & a 4-year, public school service obligation.

Scholar Benefits

Under the PSI Project, you will be awarded an OSEP scholarship which includes:

" "$25,000-$27,000

Direct support for:

  • Tuition
  • Educational stipends

" "$3,000 (+/-)

Collective support for:

  • Induction-mentorship experience
  • Attendance to a professional conference/development
  • Participation in research and scholarship
  • National credential exams

" "To Be Determined

Stipend to offset the cost of internship experiences outside of an OSEP Scholar’s home community

Scholar Service Obligation

In return for the OSEP scholarship, you will need to work in an educational setting with students who receive Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) services (e.g., IEP or 504).

" "
2 years of academic funding support
Year 3 & 4 of the ASLEI Program

" "
2 years of service for each
year of academic funding support

" "
4 years of full-time employment
with an IDEA eligible student

Many ASLEI students can actually begin tracking their service obligation during their senior year.

" "You will have to pay back the OSEP funds used for your education if you do not complete the required service obligation.

The PSI Project provides scholarships through the Special Education Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities under the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Funding from OSEP requires a service obligation based on Section 662(h) of the Act and regulations of this part. Additional information about the service obligation is available on the OSEP website.

Timeline (Subject to Change)


Virtual Open House: Scholarship Q&A

Join us the first Wednesday of each month (December-February) to learn more about the OSEP Scholarship Award. RSVP to Emily.Girardin@unco.edu to receive the Zoom link.

December: 6-7 MST

January: 4-5 MST

February: 6-7 MST


Scholarship Application Opens

Scholarship applications open in December 2023.

Note, the University/Department is closed December 15th - January 1st. Responses to questions during this time will occur after the first of the year.


Scholarship Application Due

Submit your application for the OSEP scholarship by April 15, 2024. 


Acceptance Letters

Letters of acceptance will be sent to ASLEI students selected no later than June 3, 2024.

August (Fall Semester)

Scholarship Awarded

Scholars (ASLEI students entering their Junior year) will receive OSEP funding in their financial aid account.

Grant Recognition

The contents of the PSI Project website were developed under a U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) personnel preparation project (H325K210024). The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. You should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

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