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Chief's Corner

12 September 2024

The fall semester is fully back in swing! I can’t tell you what a difference it makes when the students and staff return. It is very exciting to see the campus brought back to life.

Now that we are a month into the semester, I hope classes are going well! UNCPD is always excited to be around, and you will see us. Most often, we are walking through the places where you are. Please say hi! We do this to be part of the campus family but also to provide some visual reassurance that we are here, and that UNC remains one of the safest campuses in Colorado.

As you are making your way from one place to another, please keep an eye out for anything that you believe we should look into. Whether that is a person who doesn’t seem like a student or staff, or just something that looks out of place. UNCPD is always happy to respond and ask questions. We don’t just immediately go into ‘cop’ mode, but we take the time to talk to people and find out if we can be of any help.

If you do see something you want us to check on, call us 24 hours a day at 970-351-2245. Or you can text us through the Guardian Rave app. And as always, if you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911.

See you around campus!


21 August 2024

It’s that time of year! We are excited to see all the students moving back in this week! With students returning, it can also mean the return of opportunities for criminals. One of the frequent, yet preventable, issues that we see is bicycle thefts. It is unfortunate that there are people out there who use the campus as a chance to steal, but it can happen.

If you bring your bicycle or scooter to campus, understand that it is very worth your time to increase the safety of your property and reduce the chance of theft. One of the best ways is to use a u-lock. A u-lock won’t stop everything, but they significantly impact the thief’s ability to steal. A person who wants to steal does not want to get caught and a u-lock takes much longer to cut or dismantle than a cable lock.

Also, make sure you use the bicycle racks correctly. Attach your bike to the vertical rods and never to the ends of the rack. The vertical rods are built to withstand disassembly. The end of the racks can sometimes be unbolted.

Never attach your bike to something that is not a bicycle rack and never leave your bicycle unsecured at all, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

You will see some changes this year. The first, is that the university will provide you a free u-lock. Stop by Parking Services at the UC to register your bike and pick up the lock. Also, UNCPD officers are going to be checking bikes racks every day. If we find your bike unsecured, we will place a small tag on it to alert you that your bike is in danger. Starting in September, UNCPD will also begin locking these bikes with our own u-locks. They will be combination locks and you will have to call us to get the code.

We want you to enjoy your time at UNC. We hate that bike theft is something you may have to think about, but UNCPD is going to be proactive, to keep our students and campus safe. If you have any questions, please call us 24 hours a day at 970-351-2245.


30 April 2024

It’s Commencement Week! It’s finally here. We have been watching as the parking lots are getting more and more empty with students heading out for the summer. We are excited for all of you. Whether you are headed home or are still here gearing up for one of your biggest life moments of walking across the stage and receiving your degree.

If you haven’t been around the campus during the summer, a lot still goes on around here. We will get a brief break during May, as most of the campus closes.  But that quiet won’t last for long because summer camp season begins soon after. By June, we will have lots of athletes, artists, and students back on campus attending various camps and conferences. UNCPD will be here and are looking forward to seeing all those people. And we will be here when you get back.

For those of you whose college journey is ending, we wish you the best! The best is still ahead for you, and we are happy that we could be a part of your time here!

We hope you have a great summer! Work hard, play hard, but stay safe! As always, make good choices!

25 March 2024

Auto theft and auto break-ins are happening across the country.  I don’t say that to normalize it but stating the reality.  It has happened on campus.  The vehicles that are most frequently targeted are Kia’s and Hyundai’s.  There is something about their ignition switch that makes them more frequent targets.  If you drive one, I highly suggest that you reach out to your car manufacturer’s dealership.  There are upgrades to your anti-theft system that may be available.  Both manufacturers are offering free steering wheel locks.  I would also suggest that everyone consider using them.  Making your car less appealing to a criminal is worth the extra few moments of placing or removing the steering wheel lock yourself.  You can get a free lock at Parking Services.

UNCPD is doing everything it can to help prevent theft in the J Lot parking lot.  Our officers are now assigned to patrol this lot starting at 10pm.  You will see them with their lights on driving around until 12am.  After 12am, the officers hide in J Lot to try and catch these people.  Just last week, we confronted a person who was attempting to break into a car. 

Please don’t feel uncomfortable in calling us.  If you see anyone that does not appear to have a legitimate purpose on campus, especially at night, then call us.  We will politely ask what they have going on.  If it’s a mistake, we smile and send them on their way.  If they were up to no good, then we do our job.  Your actions might prevent a crime from occurring!  UNCPD phone number: 970-351-2245
