Biology Cook-Offs
Upcoming event
General information
- What: Chili cook-off
- When: Sometime in the spring of each year
- Where: Ross Hall
Cook-off theme
Chili! Any kind.
How to submit your entry
Biology faculty members and graduate students are welcome to submit whatever type of chili they wish. Please let Scott Franklin ( know if you will be making an entry.
On the day of the cook-off
You should place your dish on one of the serving tables at the position indicated by your Entry Number. If your dish is in a slow-cooker or similar device, you are welcome to plug it into an outlet in the biology workroom in the morning so it stays warm until lunch time.
Past events and winners
2023 Fall International Cookoff
First place: Tie between Greg's Dhal and Raymond's Gobe.
Third place: Emily's Chicken Mole.
2023 Spring Chilli Cookoff
First place:
2022 Spring Chili Cookoff
First place: Victoria Duncan and Justin Yow received the most votes for their White Chicken Chili!
2020 Spring Chili Cook-off
Meat chilis
First place: Christine Williams (chili #20)
Second place tie: Teresa Higgins (chili #9) and Russel Windholz (chili #13)
Third place tie: Brian Krum (chili #16) and Tyler Bennet (chili #11)
Vegan/Vegetarian chilis
First Place: Emily Holt (chili #18)
Second place: Mykee Cain (Chili #19)
Third place: Mit McGlaughlin (Chili #7)
First place: Justin Yow (cornbread #10)
Second place: Alex Vita (cornbread #1)
Third place: Israel Wipf (cornbread #9)
First place: Sami Naibauer (Dessert #6)
Second place: Ginger Fisher (Dessert #1)
Third place: Jennifer Parish (Dessert #9)
2019 Fall International Cook-off
First place: Cindy Budde - Swedish meetballs
Second place: Stephanie Pitt - Vegetable tikka masala
Third place: Emily Holt - Baklava
2019 Spring Cook-off
Veggie/Vegan chilis
First place: Douglas Petty
Second place: Lauryn Benedict
Third place: Mykee Cain
Meat chilis
First Place: Russel Windholz
Second place: Andrea James
Third place: Ann Schwabe
First place: Alex Vita
Second place: Judy Leatherman
Third place: Anna Freundlich
First place: Ginger Fisher
Second place: Aspen King
Third place: Yuyan Han
2018 Cook-off
Veggie chilis
First place: Greg Dekrey
Second place: Rob Reinsvold
Third place (tie): Mit McGlaughlin and Douglas Petty
Meat chilis
First Place: Nate Adamietz
Second place: Kelsey Johnson
Third place: Sami Naibauer
First place: Karina Sanchez
Second place: (tie) Cindy Budde and Anna Fruendlich
Third place: Zach Tiemann
First place: Camille Neal
Second place (tie): Melanie Peffer
Third place (tie): Cindy Budde and Emily Schumacher
2017 Cookoff
First place: Lauryn Benedict
Second place: Frank Skufca
Third place (3-way tie): Scott Franklin, Roxaneh Korasand, and Douglas Petty
First place (tie): Cindy Budde and Michele Plewes
Second place: Melanie Peffer
2016 Chili cookoff
First place: Heather Dirkmaat
Second place: Tyler Sherman
Third place (tie): Anna Schwabe and Andrew Schoenherr
2015 Chili cookoff
First place: Ann Hawkinson
Second place: Frank Skufca
Third place: Teresa Higgins
Honorable mention: Austen Anderson and Tom McCabe
2014 Chili cookoff
First Place: Africa Maria Kosky
Second place: Frank Skufca
Third place: Tom McCabe
Honorable mention: Mit McGlaughlin and Widian Jubair