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Margaret V (Meg) Du Bray

Margaret V (Meg) Du Bray

Assistant Professor

Geography, GIS, and Sustainability
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact Information

Cand 2088
Office Hours
MW 12:00-2:00 pm and by appointment
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Department of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability
Campus Box 115
Greeley, CO 80639


Ph.D., Arizona State University, Sociocultural anthropology

M.A., Arizona State University, Sociocultural anthropology

B.A., Whitman College, Anthropology

Professional/Academic Experience

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability, University of Northern Colorado

Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies program, Hollins University, 2020-2022

Visiting Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies program, Augustana College, 2018-2020

NSF EPSCoR MILES Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Social Work, Idaho State University, 2017-2018

Research/Areas of Interest

As a teaching enthusiast, my passion is helping students connect with their local environments through teaching courses in environmental studies and anthropology. My research focuses on how people understand local ecosystem processes, and how people build relationships with each other and their landscapes under climate change. Using primarily qualitative research methods including interviews and surveys, I have conducted research in multiple locations across the United States. When not working I enjoy reading, photography, and playing outside with my dogs. 

Publications/Creative Works

M.V. du Bray, R. Stotts, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. (2022). Cross-cultural Perceptions of (In)Equity in Ecosystem Service Access: A Preliminary Comparison of Emergent Themes in Four Sites. Human Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/210745-022-00334-4.

M.V. du Bray, B. Quimby, J.C. Bausch, A. Wutich, W. Eaton, K. Brasier, A. Brewis, and C. Williams. (2022). Red, white & blue: Environmental worries among water stakeholders in a U.S. farming community. Weather, Climate and Society. DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-0103.1.

Beresford, M., A. Wutich, M. V. du Bray, A. Ruth, R. Stotts, C. SturtzSreetharan, (2022). A. Brewis. Coding Qualitative Data at Scale: Guidance for Large Coder Teams Based on 18 studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Hawes, M. Burnham, M.V. du Bray, V. Hillis, Z. Ma, and K. Running. (2021). Social vulnerability to irrigation water loss in the Eastern Snake Plain of Idaho: Assessing the effects of water policy change on farmers. Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-021-01586-4.

Gartin, K.L. Larson, A. Brewis, R. Stotts, A. Wutich, D. White, and M.V. du Bray (2020). Climate Change as an Involuntary Exposure: A Comparative Risk Perception Study from Six Countries across the Global Development Gradient. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(6): 1429-1446.

 V. du Bray, R. Stotts, M. Beresford, A. Wutich, A. Brewis. (2019). Challenges to the Ecosystem Services Valuation Paradigm: Local and Cross-cultural Perspectives. Economic Anthropology DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12128.

 M.V. du Bray, A. Wutich, K.L. Larson, D.D. White, A. Brewis. (2018). Anger and Sadness: Emotional Geographies of Climate Threats in Four Island Nations. Cross-cultural research DOI: 10.1177/1069397118759252.