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Student Media

Bear News

Bear News

Bear News is produced under the supervision of the Journalism & Media Studies Department. Under the direction of Assistant Professor Shawn Montano, students report, write, tape and edit their own stories. The show’s focus is the campus, but reporters also cover city, state and national events that affect the campus community. Meteorology students prepare and present the show’s weather segment. A student producer assembles the show rundown, a student crew operates all of the studio equipment in the JMS three-camera digital studio; student anchors present news, weather and sports.

Bear News is broadcast on YouTube each week on the Bear News YouTube channel, BearNews98.

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The Mirror

 unc mirror

The Mirror is the student-run independent newspaper for the University of Northern Colorado, covering every angle possible on campus. The Mirror publishes once a month during the school year and online year round, with direction from Associate Professor Eli Klyde. We are an independent student-run organization dedicated to bringing the campus and community the best in relevant and timely news coverage.

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