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Disability Identity Resources


  • http://www.washington.edu/doit - Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology site. Includes programs to promote the use of technology to maximize the independence, productivity and participation of people with disabilities.

Adaptive Recreation Opportunities


  • www.add.org - Official site of the national attention deficit association. Covers topics such as school, research, treatment, family issues, and personal stories.
  • www.chadd.org - CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with ADHD and their families.
  • http://add.about.com - This is a very comprehensive site that is full of great information. You can find articles for parents, adults and children with ADD.



  • www.aspergers.com - Receive information dealing with Asperger's, including symptoms and diagnosing.


  • http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org - Provides information and tips from how to talk to your doctor to health and wellness for individuals with Epilepsy.
  • http://www.cancer.org - The American Cancer Society created an information hub for individuals with many different types of cancers.
  • http://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com - shares educational materials to families and individuals affected by cerebral palsy, including information about different therapies, treatment options, and financial resources.


  • http://www.bu.edu/cpr - Home site for the center for psychiatric rehabilitation. You will find information on recovering and dealing with a psychiatric disability.
  • http://www.nimh.nih.gov - The National Institute of Mental Health site includes fact sheets for a wide variety of psychiatric disabilities.


Traumatic Brain Injury


  • http://www.lighthouse.org - A resource for those with vision impairment, includes interesting articles and resources. Available in Text Only version for screen readers.
  • http://www.acb.org - Official website for the American Council for the Blind. Includes articles, resources, job listings, legislative and news information. Screen reader friendly.
  • http://www.nfb.org - Official website for the National Federation of the Blind. Includes a variety of articles, resources, and current information. Screen reader friendly.