Advanced Practicum
The Counseling Center offers Advanced Psychology practicum placements for doctoral students in regional training institutions. These placements are designed for graduate students who are beyond the beginning stages of training and clinical experience, and who are interested in attaining more advanced training within a university counseling center setting.
We seek trainees who can competently provide initial intake assessment (following in-depth training and supervision) and psychotherapy with a college student client population. Individual supervision with a Doctoral Intern (who is supervised by a licensed psychologist) and group supervision with a licensed psychologist will be provided.
Opportunities for outreach within the university are also available, and trainees are encouraged to attend various trainings and seminars throughout the year.
Training Process
We view our trainees as a vital part of our Counseling Center Team and we are passionate about the training process. The training of clinically competent, ethical, self-aware, and culturally sensitive mental health professions is one of the central missions of the Counseling Center.
While members of the training staff represent several theoretical orientations (e.g., humanistic/existential, interpersonal, CBT, feminist, etc.) there is a general consensus about the training model and learning atmosphere that we believe is conducive for optimal acquisition and integration of skills and competencies.
We strive to create a challenging, intellectually stimulating, open environment where new ideas can be explored and nurtured.
The staff encourages trainees to assess their professional strengths and areas of growth to assist them in developing appropriate learning experiences within the parameters of the opportunities offered here. An assumption of the staff is that optimal professional growth occurs when challenge is balanced with support.
The model of training we have adopted here at the Counseling Center is best described as a "developmental apprenticeship" approach. We aim to meet each trainee where they are at and challenge them appropriately with varying clinical experiences and degrees of autonomy.
Average Weekly Activities
- Individual & couples therapy (8 hours)
- Individual supervision (1 hour)
- Weekly clinical meeting (1 hour)
- Group supervision (1 hour)
- Paperwork (2 hours)
- Intakes (2 hours per week)
Practicum trainees may attend optional trainings and seminar opportunities throughout the year and may choose to participate in campus outreach opportunities. Practicum trainees may also be called upon to participate in various campus-wide mental health screenings throughout the year. For example, EDAW, National Depression Screening Week, Alcohol Awareness Week and more.
Requirements & Commitment
There is flexibility in terms of the weekly time commitment for an Advanced Practicum student, but we do ask for:
- Ability to commit to at least 16 hours a week (typically setting a maximum of 20 hours per week) over a minimum of two days
- Commitment of 2 semesters (Fall and Spring)
- Commitment to attending weekly group supervision and clinical staff meeting every Tuesday from 8:00am-12:00 pm
- Demonstrate a desire to work with college populations
- Please be aware that students who have received counseling services through the UNC Counseling Center within the last 2 years will not be eligible for this position. Applications will be reviewed by those applicants who received services more than 2 years ago on a case by base basis to minimize and avoid the potential of dual role relationships. Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to Interim Training Coordinator, Jennifer McDermott. (
How to Apply
Please submit the following materials via email to our Interim Training Coordinator, Jennifer McDermott at
- Letter of interest describing your interest working in a university counseling center setting
- Curriculum vitae
- 1 Letter of reference (someone who is familiar with your clinical work)
- Please email materials as a single PDF document
Applications are due January 26, 2024. We will continue accepting applications after this date if positions remain unfilled. If selected for an interview, you will be invited to join us for a 1-hour in-person interview.
Interviews will be scheduled early to mid February 2024.
If you have questions about our training opportunities or the application and interview process, please email Jennifer McDermott at or call 970-351-2496.
Interviews will be scheduled mid to late February. Our center adheres to the Mutual Selection Date (February 23, 2024) that was agreed upon by many of the UCCs in the area, including:
University of Northern Colorado Counseling Center
Regis University Office of Counseling and Personal Development , University of Colorado
Boulder Counseling and Psychiatric Services,
University of Denver Health & Counseling Center & Colorado State University Counseling
The above University Counseling Centers (UCCs) have consulted with one another and recognized the benefit of working more collaboratively with one another for the greater efficiency and benefit of sites and students alike when selecting practicum level trainees for placements. We have found that many applicants apply to multiple UCCs at the same time and are pressured into making selections before having interviewed or heard back from all UCC sites. Thus, these Colorado UCC training sites have agreed upon a mutual selection date this year that will adhere to the following:
Mutual Selection Date: February 23, 2024
1. Sites will interview on their own timelines
2. Sites will offer placements to their first selected applicants; these applicants
will have until February 23, 2024 to notify that site whether they will accept the offered placement. Applicants may
accept or decline an offer before February 23rd. Sites will continue to make offers
per normal should offers be declined prior to the selection date. This timeline allows
all applicants an opportunity to have interviewed at any UCCs prior to having to make
a decision.
3. Sites will then be contacting other applicants after February 23rd, should remaining
placements be open.
Our hope is that this collaborative effort will ease the process for all involved.