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Upload Artifacts

What and How Do I Upload My Artifacts in the EDSE 999 Environment?

Artifacts for courses are mostly uploaded into the EDSE 999 shell in Canvas at the time of their completion. Rubrics are built-in at these links, and these are filled in by course instructors. Other artifacts can be posted at any time (e.g., your resume) or are typically posted at the time you are completing your comprehensive examination (e.g., a mid-term progress report for practicum). The specific projects and the uploading processes are described in steps 3 & 4 at the LiveText information page.
It is important to for you to take the posting of these artifacts very seriously. One may think that, for example, missing a single document such as a resume, is “no problem” because you can post it later when the exam is over, or when asked to do so because you apparently forgot. However, when the final review occurs by a member of the Generalist Faculty, if something is missing, you will fail your comprehensive examination. Provided below is a review of the expected products:

Current Resume

Artifacts for courses are mostly uploaded into the EDSE 999 shell in Canvas at the time of their completion. Rubrics are built-in at these links, and these are filled in by course instructors. Other artifacts can be posted at any time (e.g., your resume) or are typically posted at the time you are completing your comprehensive examination (e.g., a mid-term progress report for practicum). The specific projects and the uploading processes are described in steps 3 & 4 of the LiveText page

It is important to for you to take the posting of these artifacts very seriously. One may think that, for example, missing a single document such as a resume, is “no problem” because you can post it later when the exam is over, or when asked to do so because you apparently forgot. However, when the final review occurs by a member of the Generalist Faculty, if something is missing, you will fail your comprehensive examination.

Educational Philosophy

Develop an educational philosophy for yourself, and post it at the required site in the EDSE 999 environment. The philosophy that you post can be from a course (EDSE 510) or from any other source, and there are no format criteria that you need to adhere to in this document. You will “pass” this artifact requirement as long as an educational philosophy is present; you will fail this artifact requirement if there is no educational philosophy posted. The absence of this artifact will mean that you will fail the examination itself.

IEP Proficiency Demonstration

You must post at this site in the EDSE 999 environment both an IEP and a rubric showing complete proficiency in this process. Most students will use the IEP that they completed in the EDSE 512 class and the rubric provided by the instructor. This means that you must save an electronic version of this work and its rubric when you have completed this course. This also means that it is best to work with the EDSE 512 instructor at the time you take the course to assure that you are fully proficient, as documented on the rubric. You will “pass” this artifact requirement as long as your IEP is present and your posted rubric demonstrates full proficiency; you will fail this artifact requirement if either of these conditions is not met. The absence of this artifact and/or a rubric not showing proficiency will mean that you will fail the examination itself.
If you leave the EDSE 512 class with a fully proficient IEP, then by saving the IEP document and its rubric in electronic forms, and posting these into EDSE 999, you can pass this artifact requirement without further effort. (Be sure to save back-up versions of both documents after completing the course, and make a hardcopy of both documents for yourself as well, for your own protection.)
If you end the EDSE 512 course without being fully proficient on the IEP rubric, to pass this artifact requirement and to pass your comprehensive examination, you will need to take some additional steps. You may choose to continue with the same IEP document, which means revising it in the areas of the rubric in which you were not scored proficient. Or, you may wish to complete a new IEP. In either case, you will need to work with a rubric that is identical to the EDSE 512 rubric, but it does not have point totals such as would be used for course grading. That rubric, and its instructions, are attached here, and can be assessed by clicking on IEP Rubric (generic).

Content Courses

The projects for these courses are the Case Study Summary (EDSE 613), the
FBA/BIP (EDSE 614), the Literacy Curriculum Analysis & Critique (EDSE 616), the Data Analysis & Math Improvement Plan (EDSE 617), the Assessment and Intervention Plan (EDSE 618), and the Learning Strategies Project (EDSE 619). Within the courses in which they are taken, LiveText rubrics are completed by instructors that are both specific to the projects themselves and standardized across courses. The artifact rubrics in these specific courses all use a 0-4 scale that goes from “not present” (0) to “Advanced” (4), and they all have six grading categories for projects. In this way, courses are equal to each other in the proficiency rating procedure that is applied during the comprehensive examination process. Each course’s artifact is worth a total proficiency score of 24; across all six courses, the highest possible proficiency score a student can receive is 144 (all “advanced” in all six courses).
When you are in a particular course involving one of the prescribed projects listed above, grading is completed by that course instructor, who is trained in both the concepts and mechanics of grading that specific artifact, using LiveText. We have selected artifact projects that, if completed in a timely manner, there will be at least some time near course completion for making some improvements when projects are not entirely satisfactory. However, once a course is over and the semester has ended, an artifact’s rubric cannot be changed. Also, you cannot ask that course instructor to re-grade your paper and change the rubric once the semester is over.
For these six courses, can you have final grading category scores that are less than proficient in a few of your final artifacts that go into the comprehensive examination process? Yes.
Of course, earning scores that are proficient or higher on all projects that you complete is certainly best for assuring the optimum results during your final comprehensive examination. Nevertheless, one can have some categories marked as “developing” (2 points), “unsatisfactory” (1 point), and even “not present” (0 points) and still pass the final examination. This is because a student only needs to achieve a score between 108 and 144 when all of the scores are added together to pass the examination. A total proficiency score of 108 represents receiving “proficient” in all six course projects in every grading category. Of course, too many scores on projects that are less than proficient will put you at risk. Your advisor can help you determine whether you are at risk when you approach or enter into the comprehensive examination process. A section coming up in these instructions entitled, “What can I do when I am at risk for failing the comprehensive examination and I know it?”, can also help if this issue arises.

Mid-term Practicum Progress Report

Many students will take their comprehensive examination in the same semester as their practicum (EDSE 693). Because the comprehensive examination must be fully completed before a semester is over, it would be impossible for these students to post their practicum projects in the EDSE 999 environment. Yet, the practicum is an essential part of a student’s program.
To address this, we have developed the Mid-term Practicum Progress Report, which can be accessed by clicking here. This document will be provided to your university consultant approximately halfway through the semester of your practicum. This person will complete the document, sign it, and give it to you for posting. You need a “proficient” score on this document to both pass this artifact requirement and to pass the comprehensive examination.
If you took your practicum course at an earlier date, and you received a grade of B or better, this comprehensive examination requirement will be waived. If the practicum has been waived from your program of studies (e.g., some international students, some students with previous general education teacher licenses), this comprehensive examination requirement is waived as well.