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Mission & Program Objectives

It is the mission of the Counselor Education and Supervision doctoral program faculty to prepare individuals for the wide-ranging roles and responsibilities of counselor educators and supervisors. The program faculty strive to prepare students to respond to the diverse needs of society through a social justice perspective. Program faculty endeavor to provide for a depth and breadth of learning across all areas of counselor education, including counseling, supervision, scholarship, teaching, leadership, and advocacy. The program faculty aim to create an engaging and challenging learning environment while meeting individual students’ professional goals and aspirations. By fostering self-discovery and awareness, the program faculty strive to honor students’ unique contributions to the learning community while enriching student/faculty mentoring and collegial relationships through applied pedagogy, professional practice opportunities, and scholarly dialogue.

  • Professional Counseling Orientation, Ethical Practice and Helping Relationships

    Demonstrate a scholarly understanding and integration of counseling theories and evidence based counseling practices (individual, couples, groups) relevant to the treatment of clients in multiple settings from an ethical, legal and culturally relevant perspective. 

    Develop and further demonstrate knowledge of the ethical application of assessment and testing and the interpreting of the results while considering historical perspectives of assessment and testing. Demonstrate the procedures for assessing clients using culturally relevant strategies in high risk situations, identifying trauma and abuse, and using strategies for diagnostic or intervention decisions.
  • Supervision

    Gain significant understanding regarding the purposes of clinical supervision, the supervisory relationship, theoretical frameworks and models of clinical supervision, culturally relevant strategies and skills in clinical supervision, the use of technology in providing supervision.

    Develop an understanding of assessment strategies of supervisees, administrative procedures, legal and ethical responsibilities, and evaluation, remediation, and gatekeeping of supervisees.
  • Teaching and Program Evaluation

    Gain knowledge and skills in pedagogy and teaching methods, models of adult learning, instructional and curriculum design across modalities (e.g., online, traditional, intensive short course), delivery, evaluation, and assessment methods, and ethical and culturally relevant strategies used in counselor education.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of a counselor educator surrounding teaching such as the role of career development, human growth and development, mentoring and the responsibilities of screening, remediation, and gatekeeping of counselors in training.

  • Research and Scholarship

    Gain knowledge and skills in qualitative and qualitative research questions appropriate for professional research and publication, human subjects/institutional review board processes including ethical and culturally relevant strategies for conducting research, emergent research practices and processes, instrument design, and program evaluation.

    Demonstrate an understanding of professional conference proposal preparation and presentations, professional writing for journal and newsletter publication, and grant proposals and funding.

  • Social Cultural Diversity, Leadership and Advocacy

    Develop both theoretical and experiential understandings of theories and skills in leadership, strategies of leadership in consultation, leadership development, administration and management in counselor education programs, higher education institutions, and professional organizations, and knowledge of accreditation standards and processes.

    Demonstrate an understanding of current issues in counseling and how those impact counselors, clients, and their communities.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the counselor and counselor educators’ roles and strategies for responding to crisis and disasters locally to globally.

  • Experiential Learning

     Develop and demonstrate an integration of the knowledge and skills needed to be successful as Counselor Educators.

  • Personal Growth and Understanding

     Utilize self-reflection to demonstrate an increased self-awareness and integration feedback in a productive and thoughtful manner.

Our History

The history of graduate education in psychology at UNC dates back to the early 1900's. In 1908, a Psychological Clinic was founded. This clinic provided physical and mental examinations of school children. In 1913, the first master's degree in Psychology at UNC was offered. Historically, there has been a strong commitment to national accreditations in our program. The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) began accrediting programs in 1981 and our programs in Clinical Counseling, School Counseling, and the doctoral degree in Counselor Education were accredited in 1982. In 1994, CACREP began accrediting Couples and Family programs and our program was the 2nd Couples and Family program in the U.S. to be accredited by CACREP.

The Counselor Education and Supervision PhD program prepares individuals for employment as counselor educators and supervisors for colleges and universities offering training in school counseling, clinical counseling, couples and family counseling/therapy, counseling with children and adolescents, and gerontology.

Graduates are also qualified for licensure as professional counselors and may be employed in such sites as community agencies, schools, counseling centers, employee assistance programs, and private practice.

The program curriculum and faculty are focused on preparing student to meet the 21st century demands of culturally diverse society. Students are expected to contribute to their education through active involvement with the program, its faculty, and the profession. The course of study includes a common core of relevant and timely courses and experiences meant to engage and challenge learners in their personal and professional development. Students will take part in leadership, mentoring and service activities that extend the curriculum beyond the classroom and training clinic into community and profession.