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School of Communication Parade of Pets

During Spring Semester 2020, as faculty and staff transitioned to working from home due to COVID-19, we got the opportunity to meet furry family members in Zoom meetings and other online connections. This page was created to help us remember which animals own which people. 

Enjoy this CATalogue of pets. I worked DOGgedly at it, but can always add more. If your pet was left out, just send me a pic and some info!

(NOTE: Sorry if your pic lost defintion. The site only allows uploads of 300kb or less. If your pic was larger, it had to be resized for posting.) 

Dogs: Roxy and Chloey - together they are Chlo-Rox, 170+ pounds of squeaky clean fun. 
Person: Sheri Manweiler 
Roxy ChloeyChloey (r) likes to put her chin on the table while we eat, and pretend she’s one of us

RoxyRoxy gets Chloey to do her dirty work and go get a piece of wood from the woodpile so she can chew on it. She’s too good to do it herself.

Dog: Cooper Kai
Person: Tom Endres
Info: Rescused. Half-dachshund/half-kangaroo. Secretly a super hero. 


Cooper AmericaCooper America

Dog: Winston "Wheeler" Marrow
Person: Sherilyn Marrow
Info: Shi-poo, 3 yrs. old 


Cats: Poppy, Lucy
Guinea Pigs: Hershey, Reese (like the candy) 
Person: Lynn Klyde-Allaman

Poppy Poppy




Cats: Sadie and Sierra
Dogs: Boone and Walker
Person: David Station
Info: They are all rescues. They keep us sane. They do not like Zoom. 

Sadie Sierra

Boone Walker

Baby BooneFavorite photo of  Baby Boone

Boone happy placeBoone in his happy place

Walker first snowWalker's first snow, years ago


Dogs: Jessie, Jake, Ricki
Person: Jim Keaten



Jake Ricki

Jake (left, black, sadly passed)
Ricki (right, white)

    Cat: Athena Aethiopica Allen
    Person: Lin Allen

Athena     Pronouns:  Me, Meow, Mine
     Avocation: Speaker of the Mouse
     ReFURences Available Upon Request

Aethiopica by Heliodorous

Dogs: Chloe, Emma, Captain Jack
Horse: Tobin
Person: Lisa Ellert

ChloeChloe - 11 year old Australian Shepard mix. Loves going on runs, playing fetch, and swimming. 

EmmaEmma - 9 year old Boston Terrier. Aka our golden child, loves hiking and shredding toys. Best to snuggle with on a cold day.

CheeseCaptain Jack (a.k.a. Cheese) -10 year old miniature pinscher mix, loves chasing flies, eating snacks (favorite is cheese), and hiding under blankets.

TobinTobin- 12 year old Crillo/Hanoverian cross. Favorite drink: Guinness beer, Favorite snack: apples, Favorite hobby: grazing and jumping big jumps.

    Dogs: Jax, Jemma
    Person: Summer Preston

 Jax: 8 in people-years, lab mix,
hates weird noises, loves stuffed
animal hoarding.

JemmaJemma - 7 in people-years, Australian Shepherd, hates not being the center of attention, loves going on runs. 

Cat: Gypsy
Dog: Lacey
Person: Amanda Meister

GypsyFavorite hobbies include meowing all hours of the nights, munching on kitten treats and annoying my sister Lacey(:

LaceyFavorite hobbies include taking long walks around the neighborhood, eating leftover burger paddies and ignoring my sister gypsy(:

    Cat: Georgia
    Person: Melissa Donley 

GeorgiaNickname: Lil' Miss
Loves to be chased by Lucia but only
as long as Lucia is arms length away!

Cats: Archie, George
Person: Charles Soukup

ArchieArchie: Habits - yodeling (especially at 5am), enjoying catnip and greenie treats, dreaming and destroying keva structures during stay at home orders :)

GeorgeGeorge: Habits - snuggling when chilly, attacking feet and chasing his brother

Room for more

Room for more

Room for more