Demand-Control Schema Series
This collection of webinar focuses on the topic area of Demand-Control Schema.
The following is provided for each webinar:
- Title,
- Air date,
- Presenter,
- Description,
- Target audience, and
- Aavailable materials are provided.
Within this series, webinars are listed in chronological order from the most recent webinar to the oldest.
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Demand-Control Schema Webinars
Integrating Observation - Supervision Into Your Program Curricula
Original Air Date: June 21, 2012
Presenter: Robyn Dean
Description: The first three webinars in this four part series introduced viewers to the theoretical framework of Demand-Control Schema (DC-S), how to discuss interpreting demands/controls using a paradigm of teleological ethics, and how to put all the DC-S constructs together by using sample cases and situated practice examples to highlight how these DC-S constructs are used to analyze interpreting cases. This included an explanation of demand constellations, consequences and professional values.
Some viewers then participated in three online learning communities were they continued to learn about demand-control analysis. In this session we will discuss how analytic skills (demands and controls, dialogic work analysis) are not an end unto themselves but a means by which students and professionals continue to learn and develop their knowledge, confidence, and skill sets. In particular, we will discuss experiential learning techniques such as, observation-supervision. Through in-vivo observations of service settings - involving only hearing people (e.g., a doctor's appointment, an AA meeting, a community education class) - students and practitioners can be exposed to the EIPI demands of those work contexts. Through supervision discussions, educators can take the EIPI data collected from the students (via observation forms) and make the important connections between what they observed and how that new knowledge will better prepare them to work in those settings and how to deal in general with the job demands of interpreting.
Note: This webinar series is taught with the assumption that viewers have the information from each previous webinar and online learning community. However, each webinar is open to anyone.
Putting all the Pieces Together
Original Air Date: November 19, 2011
Presenter: Robyn Dean
Description: The first two webinars in this four part series introduced viewers to the theoretical framework of Demand-Control Schema (DC-S) and how to discuss interpreting demands/controls using a paradigm of teleological ethics. This included an explanation of demand constellations, consequences and professional values. Some viewers then participated in two online learning communities were they continued to learn about demand-control analysis.
The third webinar puts all the DC-S constructs together (identifying and articulating demands, controls, and consequences and their relationship to professional values and professional responsibility) by using sample cases and situated practice examples to highlight how these DC-S constructs are used to analyze interpreting cases.
Note: This webinar series is taught with the assumption that viewers have the information from each previous webinar and online learning community.
Target Audience: IEP students, IEP faculty, internship hosts/supervisors, mentors & working interpreters
Beyond "It depends..." - The Practice Profession Shift in Interpreting
Original Air Date: May 19, 2011
Presenter: Robyn Dean
Description: During this first session, in a series of four, you will be introduced to the theoretical construct of DC-S and how to use these constructs in your teaching and/or interpreting practice.
You will gain a theoretical framework for DC-S and be introduced to the four demand categories: Environmental, interpersonal, paralinguistic, and intrapersonal (collectively noted as EIPI) as well as the opportunities to employee controls: pre-assignment, during assignment, and post assignment. Lastly, we will explore the use of the DC-S Grading Rubric to yours and your students’ demand-control analysis and/or your post assignment reflections.
Target Audience: IEP students, IEP faculty, internship hosts/supervisors & mentors
Grant Recognition
The contents of the Project CLIMB website was developed under a grant (#H160D160001) from the Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. Do not assume endorsement by the Federal government.
As of December 31, 2021, this grant project is no longer active or soliciting applications.
This website will remain available as a resource.
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