This is a time of incredible uncertainty both on campus and in every facet of our lives. I would like to thank each of you for the hard work you are doing as we adapt to a situation like none we have experienced before. Last Wednesday, I communicated our decision to move all UNC classes to online and alternate course delivery methods through April 5 in response to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. The global spread of the virus is rapid; and in this unprecedented time, we must take swift action to protect the health and safety of our students, staff, and faculty. Please know that each decision is being weighed, and ultimately made, with the health and safety of our entire UNC community at the forefront.
I know that as our response to COVID-19 evolves, additional questions arise. We will strive to answer each new question as quickly as we are able and appreciate your patience as we learn to work in this challenging and extraordinary environment. We recognize that even this email will not answer many of your questions. Many campus employees are currently working seven days a week to provide answers. For current information and FAQ’s, please continue to visit the UNC Coronavirus website. If you have a question not answered by the FAQ, please email
All UNC Classes will be Delivered Via Alternate Delivery for the Remainder of the
Spring Semester
With new guidance coming from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the
State of Colorado, we have made the decision to extend the duration of alternate course
delivery, beginning March 25, through the end of the Spring 2020 semester. Classes
on Monday, March 23rd and Tuesday, March 24th have been canceled to allow faculty time to prepare for alternate delivery; previously
scheduled online classes will occur as normal on those dates.
All In-Person Events and Meetings Canceled for the Remainder of Spring 2020 Semester
In order to help our community by limiting contact with others and to expand social
distancing, all in-person university events and meetings for the remainder of the
semester have been canceled. We encourage faculty, staff, and students to hold activities
that can leverage technology as an alternative to meeting in person.
Spring 2020 Graduate & Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies
Based on guidance from CDC and others, we have made the difficult decision to cancel
Spring graduation ceremonies. We are working on alternate plans to allow our spring
graduates a chance to celebrate their commencement in the future and will solicit
feedback and share plans as soon as we are able.
UNC Campuses to Close other than Essential Personnel beginning March 17 at 5:00 pm
In order to protect the health of our campus community and to do our part to flatten
the curve as the virus spreads, UNC will close all campuses, except for essential
personnel, beginning at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 17 and until further notice. Academic
operations will continue via alternate delivery as described above.
All nonessential university employees will work remotely whenever possible in order to sustain the academic mission the university. Employees whose work cannot be accomplished remotely will be placed on paid administrative leave. Supervisors will communicate with their direct reports tomorrow so that staff know whether to report to work on Wednesday in person or remotely. As nonessential functions wind down, we recognize that some operations may continue to adjust.
Employees who are currently off campus due to spring break will be able to make arrangements to come to campus next week to collect their necessary materials and belongings. Information about when and how those accommodations can be made will be forthcoming.
University Housing & Dining Changes
Students who are able to remain off-campus are strongly encouraged not to return to
live on campus after Spring Break. This recommendation is based on the advice to practice
social distancing and is not a mandate. Students who do not have an alternate place
to live (those experiencing housing insecurity, unable to return home, international
students, etc.) can continue to stay in the halls. There will be dining options to
serve these residents.
Students who live in residence halls are asked not to return to campus immediately to collect their belongings. Residence Hall staff need time to create a plan that allows students to collect belongings while respecting social distancing. The Division of Student Affairs will communicate with all students who live in campus housing by Wednesday, March 18 with information about when and how students can return to campus for this purpose.
We are clearly in uncharted waters, but I continue to believe that we are rowing together to navigate these difficult circumstances. Thank you.
Rowing, Not Drifting,
Andy Feinstein
UNC President