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A vendor holding up a necklace to customers at a booth

    Second Annual Juneteenth Celebration Focuses on Community Becoming Family

    The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in collaboration with PDC Energy and the City of Greeley is thrilled to host the highly anticipated second annual Juneteenth: A Family Reunion event. This uplifting celebration will take place on Saturday, June 17, from noon to 4 p.m. at Gunter Green.

    The University of Northern Colorado (UNC), in collaboration with PDC Energy and the City of Greeley, is thrilled to host the highly anticipated second annual Juneteenth: A Family Reunion event. This uplifting celebration will take place on Saturday, June 17, from noon to 4 p.m., at Gunter Green.

    Under the theme Juneteenth: A Family Reunion, the event serves as a joyous space for Black northern Coloradans to come together and celebrate liberation, while honoring the legacy of sacrifices made during the fight for freedom. While the focus remains on Black people and Black culture, anyone in the community is encourage and welcomed to commemorate Juneteenth and deepen their understanding of its historical significance.

    “For the Garvey, Juneteenth is an opportunity for us to share with the community some of our core values: community, outreach and, most importantly, legacy,” janine weaver-douglas, Ed.D.*, director of the Marcus Garvey Cultural Center said. “We exist fully as the products of our ancestors, and our lives were made possible because of both their successes and struggles towards liberation. Juneteenth highlights that the fight for freedom is universal and shared, and this event provides us a moment of solidarity and celebration for how far we’ve come.”

    This year's event promises an enriching experience for all attendees who will be able to indulge in delicious cuisine from a Black-owned BBQ food truck, explore the diverse range of offerings at our Black-owned/Black-minded vendor fair and our campus/community partner fair and engage in games, activities and vibrant music throughout the event. Juneteenth: A Family Reunion is a moment in time designed to foster meaningful connections and build a stronger sense of community.

    To apply as a vendor or volunteer at Juneteenth: A Family Reunion Celebration, fill out an online application. All vendors, including those providing items for sale, services for sale and resources can apply and showcase their offerings to the diverse attendees of the event. Volunteers will have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the celebration and be an integral part of creating a memorable experience for everyone involved.

    For additional information or inquiries, reach out to janine weaver-douglas or Frankie Logan.

    *janine weaver-douglas has requested that her name be recognized through the use of lowercase letters. 

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