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2022 UNC McNair Scholars Research Colloquium

July 21, 2022

Hello UNC Campus Community!

On behalf of the students in the UNC McNair Scholars Program, we sincerely invite you to join us for the UNC McNair Scholars Research Colloquium on Monday, July 25th at 1:00 pm in Candelaria 1065.   We will have our research scholars give 12-minute oral presentations on their original undergraduate research project AY 2021-2022.  This event gives them a chance to share with you their research findings, and it also allows them to practice presenting one more time before we depart on Tuesday, July 26th to go to the UCLA National McNair Scholars Conference is Los Angeles, California.  Our students have worked hard this year to complete original research through the support of UNC faculty mentors, librarians, the administration and staff and we want to thank you for that support helping them complete this work.  We will serve refreshments following the event and we hope you will join us!

Colloquium Schedule: 

1:00 pm – Evander Espinoza – Constructing a Model for Cosmic Ray Induced Hard Error Generation in CMOS Detectors

1:15 pm – Shukuru Rushanika – Utilizing NUR 77 as a Surrogate Biomarker for CD8+ T cell Activation to Assess the Immunological Effects of Berberine and Exercise

1:30 pm – Kayla Garza – Circadian Genes in EWD-8 Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells May Demonstrate Rhythmicity in Vitro

1:45 pm – Katelyn Crawley – Dietetics Students’ Anti-Diet and Weight Inclusive Attitudes: A Qualitative Study

2:00 pm – Soledad Almanza – The Perceptions of the Impact of Face Masks on Communication for Individuals With and Without Hearing Loss

2:15 pm – Stephanie Vargas – Perspectives of Latinx Immigrant and Refugee Parents on Their Child’s DHH Disability

2:30 pm – Aijalon Martinez – Familial Perceptions of Treatment Programming for Offenders with a Substance Use Disorder

2:45 pm – Gio Esparza – Jorgensen Enjoys Being Christine: Christine Jorgensen’s Public Image and How it Shaped a Movement

2022 UNC McNair Scholars Research Colloquium