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IDD Advisory Board


Whereas IDD is committed to our work with faculty designing and developing student-centered learning opportunities with an emphasis on providing real world experiences that matter to students; and

Whereas IDD is committed to providing services to faculty that ease their workload, particularly in the design and production of online learning resources; and

Whereas providing students with online courses and online learning resources that meet best design and development practices and quality standards empowers inclusivity and shifts our focus to students first; and

Whereas collaboration among experienced teaching and learning professionals leads to courses and resources that meet the highest quality standards, adding value to UNC’s brand, and helping UNC meet ambitious recruitment and retention goals;

Now, therefore, IDD will convene and work with an Advisory Board to seek counsel related to instructional design and educational technology innovation, to build trust with faculty through transparency and a greater understanding of what IDD does and what faculty need from IDD, and to accomplish strategic goals in the service of Rowing, Not Drifting 2030.

Structure & Purpose

IDD will convene a board of not more than ten faculty members, one member from each college and student services members, to serve 1 to 3-year terms. We will meet for 60-90 minutes 3-4 times per year, in person and/or on Zoom. IDD is seeking:

Thought Leadership
  • Provide expert advice and offer insight and ideas
  • Encourage and support innovation
  • Suggest service improvements
  • Work with IDD to accomplish Rowing, not Drifting 2030
College and Program Representation and Inclusion
  • Provide college and service area representation, perspective, and networking opportunities
  • Encourage the development of IDD’s profile and engagement with faculty
  • Help UNC understand IDD
Support for IDD’s Strategic Plan
  • Advocate for and support IDD’s success with its strategic plan

Read the full Advisory Board Charter

Advisory Board Roster, 2022-23

Corina Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemistry (NHS)

Santos Cortez, Ed.D., Coordinator of Tutorial Services (SAS)

Dannon Cox, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Community Health Education (NHS)

Janice Dickensheets, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Music History (PVA)

Matthew Farber, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education (CEBS)

Milan Larson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management (MCB)

Heidi Muller, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Comm Studies (HSS)

Berlinda Saenz, Ph.D., CHE Faculty/ET Coordinator (CHE)

Cristin Turner, Director, Disability Resource Center (DRC)