GSA Newsletter: Sept. 17, 2018
GSA Grant Cycle 2: Now accepting applications
Grant Funding Page
If you will be attending a conference or starting a research project between Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, you may be eligible for GSA grant funding. The GSA offers graduate students the opportunity to compete for conference/research reimbursement funding four times per fiscal year. The current grant cycle application closes on Friday, Oct. 19 at 5 p.m. (MDT). Questions about what can receive funding? Email
GSA Archery Tag
Thursday, Sept. 27
7-8:30 p.m.
UNC Campus Recreation Center
Player Sign Up
The GSA is looking for players for the first game of Archery Tag at UNC. Archery Tag is like paintball, but with bows and padded arrows. Challenge your classmates to this epic game of speed and skill. Want to see Archery Tag in action? Watch this Archery Tag video.
GSA Breakfast Club: Cracker Barrel (map)
Saturday, Sept. 29
10 a.m.
Join your fellow graduate students for breakfast at this monthly Saturday morning gathering. The GSA Breakfast Club meets at various restaurants in the Northern Colorado area to discuss all aspects of graduate student life. Graduate students of all progams are welcome to attend.
Margaret Sebastian
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Community & Climate
GSA Town Hall: Denver (map)
Friday, Oct. 12
3 p.m.
UNC Lowry Center, Room #229
All UNC graduate students are invited to attend the GSA Town Hall meeting with Graduate School Dean Linda Black, Ed.D., and Associate Dean Cindy Wesley, Ph.D. Get an update on the state of graduate education at UNC and address your concerns with the dean. Questions can be sent in advance to GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Affairs, Questions received in advance will receive priority at the meeting. Light refreshments provided by the UNC Graduate Student Association.
Amanda Jacobs
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Affairs
GSA Town Hall: Loveland (map)
Thursday, Oct. 18
11:30 a.m.
UNC Loveland Center at Centerra, Monarch Classroom
All UNC graduate students are invited to attend the GSA Town Hall meeting with Graduate School Associate Dean Cindy Wesley, Ph.D. Get an update on the state of graduate education at UNC and address your concerns with Dr. Wesley. Questions can be sent in advance to GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Affairs, Questions received in advance will receive priority at the meeting. Light refreshments provided by the UNC Graduate Student Association.
Amanda Jacobs
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Affairs
Two of Top 3 GSA Grant Applications in Cycle 1: Emily Phillips
Principal Investigator: Emily Phillips
Presentation Title: Training Future School Psychology Trainers: A Genealogy
Type of Presentation: Poster Presentation
UNC Graduate Student Contributor(s): Maria Ruiz, Sara Pena, Tanner Hoffman, Madeline
UNC Faculty/Staff Contributor(s): David Hulac
Total GSA Funding Requested: $1,579.24
Presentation Description:
There are at least 242 doctoral- and specialist-level programs in the US that train
School Psychologists (Merrell, Ervin, & Peacock, 2012). A shortage of school psychology
faculty members has been documented since at least 2000 (Clopton & Haselhuhn, 2009;
Little, & Akin-Little, 2004; Tingstrom, 2000). While finding faculty members in the
first place is challenging, faculty search committees need to consider the likelihood
that these faculty members will become tenured and promoted (Harris et al., 2013).
Tenure and promotion evaluators typically look for faculty members with productive
research lines. While previous research articles have identified the most productive
scholars and variables that predict scholarly productivity (e.g. Johnson, Hulac, Schneider,
& Ushijima, 2017), there has not been a recent study that investigated the qualities
of training programs that developed productive faculty members.
For the present study, current school psychology trainers were identified using the National School Psychology Database Project from the 2014-2015 school year, which can be accessed via the NASP website ( A history of school psychologist trainers was created by tracing faculty members through their dissertation adviser. The published research of these faculty members was analyzed to assess which programs produced the most school psychologist trainers, which faculty members have mentored the most trainers, and the number of articles published by each faculty member. Results identify many schools and individuals who have been successful in this, such as Univ of Wisconson Madison, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Edward Shapiro, and Thomas Kratchowill. The poster will include a genealogical family tree to trace faculty members by their dissertation directors and to identify past generations of trainers. Future research with this data will identify variables such as program size, university Carnegie designation, size of faculty, and funding available to doctoral students to determine what factors predict the likelihood of future doctoral students becoming faculty members and the likelihood that those faculty members will develop productive research lines. Results may be used to better understand how future trainers are trained and to inform future policy for rectifying the shortage of school psychology trainers.
GSA Academic Appeals Board (AAB) Appointees 2018-2019
Congratulations to the following graduate students who were appointed to the Academic
Appeals Board for 2018-2019. The GSA's AAB appointees are organized by Nicholas Dix,
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Rights & Appeals. The AAB is responsible
for reviewing graduate student appeals through document review and/or full-board reviews.
- Amanda Jacobs
- Ann-Elizabeth Nash
- Astrid Rasmussen
- Brandy Tackett
- Drew Weller
- Gabrielle (Gabby) McAllaster
- Ivan Wayne
- Kathryn (Katy) LaFary
- Margaret Sebastian
- Melissa Lafferty
- Nicholas Harman
- Nichole Sellars
- Nouri Marrakchi
- Rowen Thomas
- Sarah Munoz
GSA Volunteer Positions Available:
Board of Trustees, GSA Attendee
Meeting Schedule:
- Nov. 16
- Jan. 25
- March 8
- June 14
The GSA is currently seeking representatives to attend and report on UNC Board of Trustees meetings. The Board of Trustees is the governing authority for the University of Northern Colorado.
Interested candidates should contact the Assistant Director of Graduate Community & Climate as soon as possible.