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Timely Warnings & Crime Alerts Archive

Per our Timely Warning Policy, the UNC Police Department may post new information on this page relating to situations on or off campus. If you have any questions concerning timely warnings, crime alerts, or any information you feel could warrant a timely warning or crime alert, please contact the UNC Police Department at (970) 351-2245.

Timely warnings & Crime Alerts are displayed on the Timely Warning & Crime Alerts page for six months. After six months, they are moved to this archive.

October 25, 2023

In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, UNC is issuing the following notice of a crime that occurred on or adjacent to the campus.

Late during the night of Oct. 24 and into the early morning of Oct. 25, UNC Police received two reports of motor vehicle thefts in J Lot (parking lot south of west campus resident halls). One was an attempted theft of a Kia Soul where a window was broken, the steering column was removed, and the ignition was broken. The second report was also a Kia Soul that was taken from J Lot and recovered by Greeley Police. 

Theft is a crime of opportunity and thieves often look for “easy opportunities” to take something.  The anti-theft devices listed below may not prevent all crimes, but they are deterrent to thieves and help protect your vehicle.  

Anti-theft devices that can be used to protect your vehicles are:

  • Steering wheel locks (“the club”)
  • Break locking system (“pedal locks”)
  • Wheel Clamps (“Tire Locks”)
  • GPS Tracking Devices
  • Hidden battery disconnect switch

Parking Services has steering wheel and pedal locks available for students to check out and use for free.  More information is available at the Information Desk on the second level of the University Center. Consider using a device that disables your steering wheel when you park your car. Often, just the sight of these devices can deter a car thief.

Safety tips

  • Make sure all of your valuables are removed from your car and make sure the car is locked every time. 
  • Call UNCPD to report any suspicious activity.  This can include seeing one or more people walking around parking lots looking into vehicles, or a car that is driving up and down all the parking rows. The number is 970-351-2245 or you can text us through the Guardian app.
  • Know where campus emergency poles are. Just push the red button to contact UNC Police Dispatch directly. See the Campus Emergency Pole Map

Sept 8, 2023

UNC Police is investigating a report they received on Thursday, Sept 7, around 2:50 p.m., of a sexual assault in a residence hall.

 Information we want you to know about your safety and the safety of all UNC Bears:

  • Consent is an active agreement to participate in a sexual activity. It is important to communicate during sexual encounters as consent can be withdrawn at any time.  
  • You are not alone. Resources are available to you through the university, many of which can be found at www.unco.edu/safety
  • Individuals impacted by sexual violence can report to the University's Title IX Coordinator at 970-351-4899 to seek resources and support and explore reporting options
  • Confidential Resources are available 24/7 through Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) 970-351-1490 and the Counseling Center 970-351-2496
  • Report any and all suspicious activity to police as soon as you are aware of it by calling UNC Police 970-351-2245.
  • For information on crime in the area within the last 60 days, please visit the university’s 60 Day Crime Log.

 Consent between two or more people is defined as an affirmative agreement--through clear actions or words--to engage in sexual activity. Consent is informed, knowing and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable permission regarding the conditions of sexual activity.  If you engage in sexual activity, be sure you understand your sexual partner's limits, and communicate your own limits clearly. Don't engage in sexual activities without clear consent from your partner.  Even if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are still responsible for obtaining consent from the other person before initiating sexual contact. Sexual assault is a sexual misconduct violation and those found responsible for violating this university policy can face consequences.

We urge the Bear community to remain aware and report any suspicious activity in and around campus. Contact UNC Police 970-351-2245 or visit us at Gray Hall on Central Campus. Download the Rave Guardian app to access campus resources that are available for your personal safety.  Stay informed about crime on campus and other campus safety information by following UNC Police on Twitter or on Facebook.

October 7, 2022

This crime alert is being sent out because there are more motor vehicle thefts occurring on campus and in Northern Colorado.

On September 8th, 2022, UNC Police sent out a Crime Alert to the UNC community regarding motor vehicle thefts on campus.  Since that alert was sent, there have been 4 more motor vehicle thefts and 5 attempted motor vehicle thefts. 

There is a new trend of break-ins of locked vehicles. There are several different types of anti-theft devices available for car owners.  If your car is stolen, there are also several types of GPS tracking devices on the market too that may help locate your stolen vehicle quicker.

Anti-theft devices that can be used to protect your vehicles are:

  • Steering wheel locks (“the club”)
  • Break locking system (“pedal locks”)
  • Wheel Clamps (“Tire Locks”)
  • GPS Tracking Devices
  • Hidden battery disconnect switch

Theft is a crime of opportunity and thieves look for “easy opportunities” to take someone’s things.  The tools listed above may not prevent crime 100%, but they are deterrents because it makes it harder to take your things.

If you see suspicious activity in the parking lots or around campus, call UNC Police at 970-351-2245.

Safety tips

UNC Police want to remind the campus community to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling the department at 970-351-2245. You’re encouraged to program that number into your mobile phone. Some other precautions you can take:

  • Request a UNC police escort if you’re uncomfortable walking alone on campus. 
  • If you believe someone is following you, go where there are other people. 
  • Carry a personal alarm or whistle.  
  • Know where campus emergency poles are. See the Campus Emergency Pole Map
  • Trust your intuition if you feel a situation is unsafe.

For more information about UNC's Compliance with the Clery act please visit our Clery website.

September 8, 2022

The UNC Police Department is investigating two motor vehicle thefts.  

The following are the dates, vehicle types, and locations of the vehicle thefts:  

  • 09/06/22 – 1997 White Honda Civic stolen from Arlington Park Apartments Lot
  • 09/07/22 – 2002 Silver Chevy Trailblazer stolen fromQ-Lot

Safety tips

UNC Police want to remind the campus community to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling the department at 970-351-2245. You’re encouraged to program that number into your mobile phone. Some other precautions you can take:

  • Always lock your car when you park it and remove your keys. 
  • Lock valuables in your trunk and do not leave personal ID cards or credit cards in the vehicle. 
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended. 
  • Photocopy your registration and insurance card and keep in your wallet- not in your glove compartment.
  • Additional information can be found at the Colorado State Patrol auto theft websites: https://lockdownyourcar.org/ and https://lockdownyourcar.org/prevention/

For more information about UNC's Compliance with the Clery act please visit our Clery website.

March 11, 2022

The UNC Police Department is investigating several motor vehicle thefts that have occurred in the last 60 days.  

The following are the dates, locations, and vehicle types: 

  • 02/01/22 – A 2017 Jeep Renegade was stolen from J-lot.
  • 02/05/22 – A 1992 Honda Accord Vehicle stolen from J-lot.
  • 03/08/22 – A 1998 Honda Civic in J-Lot had its steering column damaged in an attempt to steal the vehicle.
  • 03/10/22 – A 1997 Honda Civic was stolen from T-Lot.

The UNC Police Department wants to remind the campus to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling 970-351-2245.  

You are encouraged to add the UNC Police phone number into your mobile phone contacts/directory. 

Safety tips 

  • Always lock your car when you park it and remove your keys.
  • Lock valuables in your trunk and do not leave personal ID cards or credit cards in the vehicle.
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended.

Photocopy your registration and insurance card and keep in your wallet- not in your glove compartment

March 8, 2022

Last night on 03/07/22, during the evening hours, a robbery occurred on the sidewalk along the east side of 10th Avenue near Gunter Hall. The suspects were described as two males wearing hoodies and baggy pants, possibly in their 20’s and 30’s holding knifes. Although, the two victims were not injured in the incident, the suspects took pair earbuds, gift card, and a five-dollar bill from the victims.

If you have any information reference this incident, please call the University of Northern Colorado Police Department at 970-351-2245.

Safety tips

UNC Police want to remind the campus community to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling the department at 970-351-2245. You’re encouraged to program that number into your mobile phone. Some other precautions you can take:

  • Request a UNC police escort if you’re uncomfortable walking alone on campus. 
  • If you believe someone is following you, go where there are other people. 
  • Know where campus emergency poles are. See the Campus Emergency Pole Map
  • Trust your intuition if you feel a situation is unsafe.

For more information about UNC's Compliance with the Clery act please visit our Clery website.

UNC Emergency and Crisis Assistance Resources

September 3, 2021 

The Greeley Policy Department (GPD) made an arrest on Wednesday, Sept. 1, of an individual matching the description of, and in circumstances similar to, the Aug. 27 reports of a suspicious person attempting to open the back doors and windows of two different sorority houses. The UNC Police Department is actively investigating a connection between the arrested suspect and the on-campus incident. We would like to thank the GPD for their excellent work and continued partnership in keeping the campus community safe.  

Safety tips

UNC Police want to remind the campus community to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling the department at 970-351-2245. You’re encouraged to program that number into your mobile phone. Some other precautions you can take:

  • Request a UNC police escort if you’re uncomfortable walking alone on campus. 
  • If you believe someone is following you, go where there are other people. 
  • Carry a personal alarm or whistle.  
  • Know where campus emergency poles are. See the Campus Emergency Pole Map
  • Trust your intuition if you feel a situation is unsafe.

Avoid propping doors open and allowing visitors to walk in behind you.

August 27, 2021

On Friday, August 27, 2021, during early morning hours, UNC Police was notified of a suspicious person. This individual was attempting to open back doors and windows of two different Sorority houses. Although he didn’t make entry into either residence, UNC Police is still interested in locating this individual.

The individual is described as a male in his late 20s or early 30s, 6’1” with dark hair.  He was wearing a dark gray zip-up hoodie, blue jeans, and a black mask.  He was riding an orange Mongoose brand BMX style bike.

If you have any more information about the suspicious person, call UNC Police at 970-351-2245.

Safety tips

UNC Police want to remind the campus community to report any instance of unusual encounters or suspicious behavior by calling the department at 970-351-2245. You’re encouraged to program that number into your mobile phone. Some other precautions you can take:

  • Request a UNC police escort if you’re uncomfortable walking alone on campus. 
  • If you believe someone is following you, go where there are other people. 
  • Carry a personal alarm or whistle.  
  • Know where campus emergency poles are. See the Campus Emergency Pole Map
  • Trust your intuition if you feel a situation is unsafe.
  • Avoid propping doors open and allowing visitors to walk in behind you.