OSEP Project
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, awarded a grant (H325K100234: 2010-2104) to the University of Northern Colorado focused on improving the services of educational interpreters in K-12 settings. One aspect of the award was designed to identify and describe patterns that exist within the work of educational interpreters. As a result, a multi-step, multi-year, national project was undertaken. The overarching goal of the investigation was to better understand the day-to-day practices of educational interpreters in order to better define and implement effective pre- and in-service curricula to prepare and support these service providers as highly qualified members of the educational team.
As of December 2014, this grant project is no longer active. This page will remain available as a resource.
The patterns of practice investigation and its findings were compiled and will be published as a book late summer 2018.
The investigation examined patterns of practice on a macro-level. Six reviews were completed:
- A literature review and annotated bibliography from 2000 to present;
- A review of state education agency requirements for employment and educational interpreter handbooks;
- An analysis of interpreter education curricula from programs preparing interpreters for the K-12 classroom setting;
- A national survey of educational interpreters;
- A national summit on educational interpreting; and
- A national EIPA data analysis.