Campus Connections
Campus Connections is a for-credit, community-engagement course that pairs UNC students as mentors with local community youth (ages 11-18). Youth are referred through Weld County community partners and are matched with a UNC student who provides one-on-one therapeutic mentoring throughout the semester.
Campus Connections mentors spend four hours once a week with their mentee in a group setting to provide academic support, career planning and positive social skill development.
UNC student mentors assist youth with developing goals while providing an environment conducive to goal attainment. Campus Connections takes place entirely on UNC’s campus, providing exposure to campus and university life, thus allowing for youth to experience firsthand the possibilities of education and the value of learning.
Campus Connections was originally developed by colleagues at Colorado State University (CSU) who have generously collaborated with us to bring Campus Connections to UNC and serve youth in the Greeley and surrounding areas. Campus Connections at UNC was implemented in Fall 2015.