Cesar Chavez Cultural Center

Funding Important Work


What Makes a Great Math Teacher?

UNC math professors Jodie Novak, Rob Powers and Frieda Parker will partner with Oklahoma State University’s Mike Oehrtman for a $1.17 million National Science Foundation research grant. They’ll collect data from 24 expert high school math teachers as they plan, teach, and reflect on lessons. Ultimately, the research may contribute to developing and assessing secondary math teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching.

Meeting the Need for More Rehabilitative Counselors

Associate Professor of Human Rehabilitative Services Jill Bezyak received a $938,705 U.S. Department of Education grant to increase the number of qualified vocational rehabilitation counselors who serve individuals with disabilities. Each year for five years the grant will fund seven students training to serve individuals with various disabilities including severe mental illness, individuals with disabilities who are transition-age, and individuals with disabilities from culturally diverse populations.

Kay Norton


"I expect we’re going to blow that one right out of the water."

UNC President Kay Norton, on achieving the university’s goal for increasing undergraduate retention, during her annual State of the University Address on Sept. 15. Norton also announced? that new graduate students (22 percent) and new freshmen (5 percent) increased from last year with an enrollment goal of 15,000 students by fall 2018.

Transcript and video of her address.