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Samantha Black

Samantha Black

Success Coach and Academic Advisor


Contact Information

Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box
Greeley, CO 80639


Currently, I am in my fifth year of working at UNC full time, and I am also an alumni. In 2013, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Studies with a minor in Writing. After that, I worked for a while as a barista until I moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting. I lasted about six months before experiencing a quarter life crisis and moving back home to Greeley to start my graduate degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership and finished that in spring of 2018. While attending graduate school, I interned and volunteered as an advocate for the Assault Survivor Advocacy Program (ASAP). Being an ASAP advocate was extremely influential in my personal and professional life, and I have carried many things I learned through that experience with me that I continue to utilize today. Additionally, I am passionate about equity issues and work every day to improve myself and my community. 

In my personal time, I enjoy singing, spending time with my dogs, and consuming a wide variety of media. In the past, I was very involved with the drag scene (queens, not cars) and even did a YouTube video with drag performers Katya and Detox. I also love comedy and studied improv with the founder of the Groundlings Theatre, Gary Austin. The last time I performed was in an opera called The Taming which was written by UNC faculty and debuted here in Fall 2019. I am fortunate to have had meaningful opportunities to connect with my passions, and I hope to help students engage in experiences that are just as meaningful to them.