Fellow Bears,

I am writing to share with you that Tobias Guzmán, vice president for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will be leaving UNC at the end of September.

As an alumnus of UNC, Tobias has been a member of the university community since the ‘90s and has served his alma mater in a variety of roles. After returning to campus in 2000 in a professional capacity, Tobias led teams of students and employees in support of UNC’s mission. His work spanned housing, athletics, enrollment, student affairs, and most recently, our important diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The most visible evidence of Tobias’s time at UNC may be North and South Halls — a facility improvement project he oversaw in the early 2000s. Even more transformational is the mark he leaves after serving as UNC’s first-ever vice president for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and leading the work for UNC to receive the designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution last spring.

As Tobias departs the university, I would like to thank him for his contributions to UNC and wish him the best in his future endeavors. I will continue to keep the university community updated on our plans and in the meantime would like to again thank Jennifer Almquist who has been serving as acting vice president for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion since June and will continue to do so in the interim.

Andy Feinstein