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Charles Kuehn

Charles Kuehn

Associate Professor/Chair Physics & Astronomy

Physics & Astronomy
Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351 2561
Ross 0232F


PhD Astronomy and Astrophysics, Michigan State University (2011)
MS Astronomy and Astrophysics, Michigan State University (2008)
BS Astronomy, The Ohio State University (2005)

Professional/Academic Experience

Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Northern Colorado (2015 – present)
SIEF John Stocker Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sydney (2012-2015)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Michigan State University (2011-2012)
Adjunct Professor, Aquinas College (2011-2012)
Adjunct Professor, Lansing Community College (2011)

Research/Areas of Interest

Astronomy – variable stars, Milky Way formation. Astronomy education research.

Publications/Creative Works


Kuehn, C.A., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Kunder, A. 2016, in prep, Trends in RR Lyrae Physical Properties with Oosterhoff Type

Murphy, S.J., Corbally, C.J., Gray, R.O., Cheng, K., Neff, J.E., Koen, C., Kuehn, C.A., Newsome, I., Riggs, Q. 2015, PASA, 32, 36, An Evaluation of the Membership Probability of 212 lambda Boo Stars. I. A Catalogue

Kennedy, C.R., Stancliffe, R.J., Kuehn, C.A., Beers, T.C., Kinman, T.D., Placco, V.M., Reggiani, H., Rossi, S., Lee, Y.S. 2014, ApJ, 787, 6, Seven New Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor RR Lyrae Stars

Alonso-Garc´ıa, J., Catelan, M., Amigo, P., Cort´es, C., Kuehn, C.A., Grundahl, F., Lo´pez, G., Salinas, R., Smith, H.A., Stetson, P.B., Swigart, A.V., Valcarce, A.A.R., Zoccali, M. 2014, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 85, 287, Multiple populations in Galactic globular clusters from a Stro¨mgren perspective

Kuehn, C.A., Dame, K., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Jeon, Y.B., Nemec, J.M., Walker, A.R., Kunder, A., Pritzl, B.J., De Lee, N., Borissova, J. 2013, AJ, 145, 160, Variable Stars in Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters III: Reticulum

Benomar, O., Bedding, T.R., Mosser, B., Stello, D., Belkacem, K., Garcia, R.A., White, T.R., Kuehn, C.A., Deheuvels, S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. 2013, ApJ, 767, 158, Properties of Oscillation Modes in Subgiant Stars Observed by Kepler

Richardson, C.T., Baldwin, J.A., Ferland, G.J., Loh, E.D., Kuehn, C.A., Fabian, A.C., Salome´, P. 2013, MNRAS, 430, 1257, The Nature of the H2-emitting Gas in the Crab Nebula

Kuehn, C.A., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., De Lee, N., Borissova, J. 2012, AJ, 144, 186, Variable Stars in Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters II: NGC 1786

Dall’Ora, M., Kinemuchi, K., Ripepi, V., Rodgers, C.T., Clementini, G., Di Fabrizio, L., Smith, H.A., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Greco, C., Kuehn, C.A., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., Beers, T.C., 2012, ApJ, 752, 42, Stellar Archaeology in the Galactic Halo with the Ultra-faint Dwarfs VI: Ursa Major II

Kuehn, C., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., De Lee, N. 2011, AJ, 142, 107, Variable Stars in Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters I: NGC 1466

Dall’Ora, M., Kinemuchi, K., Ripepi, V., Rodgers, C.T., Clementini, G., Di Fabrizio, L., Smith, H.A., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Greco, C., Kuehn., C., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., Beers, T.C., 2011, submitted to ApJ, Stellar Archaelogy in the Galactic halo with the Ultra-Faint Dwarfs: VI. Stellar Populations in the Ursa Major II dwarf galaxy

Contreras, R., Catelan, M., Smith, H.A., Pritzl, B.J., Borissova, J., Kuehn, C., 2010, AJ, 140, 1766, Time-Series Photometry of Globular Clusters: M62 (NGC 6266), the Most RR Lyrae-Rich Globular Cluster in the Galaxy?

Rabidoux, K., Smith, H.A., Pritzl, B.J., Osborn, W., Kuehn, C., Randall, J., Lustig, R., Wells, K., Taylor, L., De Lee, N., Kinemuch, K., LaCluyz´e, A., Hartley, D., Greenwood, C., Ingber, M., Ireland, M., Pellegrini, E., Anderson, M., Purdum, G., Lacy, J., Curtis, M., Smolinski, J., Danford, S., 2010, AJ, 139, 2300, Light Curves and Period Changes of Type II Cepheids in the Globular Clusters M3 and M5

Musella, I., Clementini, G., Ripepi, V., Dall’Ora, M., Marconi, M., Greco, C., Moretti, M.I., Kine- muchi, K., Di Fabrizio, L., Smith, H.A., Kuehn, C., Rodgers, C.T., Beers, T.C., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., 2010, Memorie della Societa Astronomica italiana, 14, 55, Stellar Archaeology in the Milk Way Halo. Variable Stars and Stellar Populations in the New Milky Way Satellites Discovered by the SDSS

Moretti, M.I, Dall’Ora, M., Ripepi, V., Clementini, G., Di Fabrizio, L., Smith, H.A., De Lee, N., Kuehn, C., Catelan, M., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Beers, T.C., Kinemuchi, K., 2009, ApJ, 699L, 125, The Leo IV Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy: Color-Magnitude Diagram and Pulsating Stars

Greco, C., Dall’Ora, M., Clementini, G., Ripepi, V., Di Fabrizio, L., Kinemuchi, K., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Smith, H.A., Rodgers, C.T., Kuehn, C., Beers, T.C., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., 2008, ApJ, 675L, 73, On the Newly Discovered Canes Venatici II dSph Galaxy

Kuehn, C., Kinemuchi, K., Ripepi, V., Clementini, G., Dall’Ora, M., Di Fabrizio, L., Rodgers, C.T., Greco, C., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Beers, T.C., Pritzl, B.J., 2008, ApJ, 674L, 81, Variable Stars in the Newly Discovered Milky Way Dwarf Spheroidal Satellite Canes Venatici I

Kuehn, C., Baldwin, J.A., Peterson, B.M., Korista, K.T., 2008, ApJ, 673, 69, On The Size of the Fe II-emitting Region in the AGN Arakelian 120

Dall’Ora, M., Clementini, G., Ripepi, V., Kinemuchi, K., Greco, C., Kuehn, C., Musella, I., Rodgers, C.T., Di Fabrizio, L., Beers, T.C., Catelan, M., Marconi, M., Pritzl, B.J., Smith, H.A., 2008, Memorie della Societa Astronomica italiana, 79, 701, Stellar Populations of the Newly Discovered Satellites of the Milky Way

Dall’Ora, M., Clementini, G., Kinemuchi, K., Ripepi, V., Marconi, M., Di Criscienzo, M., di Fabrizio, L., Greco, C., Rodgers, C.T., Kuehn, C., Smith, H.A., 2007, IAUS, 241, 331, RR Lyrae Stars in the Bootes Structure

Bentz, M.C., Denney, K.D., Cackett, E.M., Dietrich, M., Fogel, J.K.J., Ghosh, H., Horne, K.D.,

Kuehn, C., Minezaki, T., Onken, C.A., Peterson, B.M, Pogge, R.W., Pronik, V.I., Richstone, D.O., Sergeev, S.G., Vestergaard, M., Walker, M.G., Yoshii, Y., 2007, ApJ, 662, 205, NGC 5548 in a Low-Luminosity State: Implications for the Broad-Line Region

Dall’Ora, M., Clementini, G., Kinemuchi, K., Ripepi, V., Marconi, M., Di Fabrizio, L., Greco, C., Rodgers, C.T., Kuehn, C., Smith, H.A., 2006, ApJ, 653L, 109, Variable Stars in the Newly Discovered Milky Way Satellite in Bootes

Denney, K.D., Bentz, M.C., Peterson, B.M., Pogge, R.W., Cackett, E.M., Dietrich, M., Fogel, J.K.J., Ghosh, H., Horne, K.D., Kuehn, C., Minezake, T., Onken, C.A., Pronik, V.I., Richstone, D.O., Sergeev, S.G., Vestergaad, M., Walker, M.G., Yoshii, Y., 2006, ApJ, 653, 152, The Mass of the Black Hole in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4593 from Reverberation Mapping

Bentz, M.C., Denney, K.D., Cackett, E.M., Dietrich, M., Fogel, J.K.J., Ghosh, H., Horne, K., Kuehn, C., Minezaki, T., Onken, C.A., Peterson, B.M., Pogge, R.W., Pronik, V.I., Richstone, D.O., Sergeev, S.G., Vestergaard, M., Walker, M.G., Yoshii, Y., 2006, ApJ, 651, 775, A Reverberation-based Mass for the Central Black Hole in NGC 4151

Conference Proceedings

Campbell, S.W., Constantino, T.N., D’Orazi, V., Meakin, C., Stello, D., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Kuehn, C., De Silva, G.M., Arnett, W.D., Lattanzio, J.C., MacLean, B.T. 2016, Reconstruction the Milky Way’s History: Spectroscopic Surveys, Asteroseismology and Chemo-dynamical models, Astronomische Nachrichten, in press Towards 21st Century Stellar Models: Star Clusters, Super- computing, and Asteroseismology

Smith, H.A., Anderson, M., Osborn, W., Layden, A., Kopacki, G., Pritzl, B., Kelley, A., McBride, K., Alexander, M., Kuehn, C., Kilian, A., King, E., Carbajal, D., Lusting, R., DeLee, N. 2015, JAVSO, 43, 255 Lightcurves and Period Changes for Type II Cepheids in the Globular Cluster M13

Kuehn, C.A., Drury, J., Bellamy, B.R., Stello, D., Bedding, T.R., Reed, M., Quick, B. 2015, The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06040 Photometry Using Kepler “Superstamps” of Open Clusters NGC 6791 & NGC 6819

Drury, J., Kuehn, C.A., Bellamy, B.R., Stello, D., Bedding, T.R. 2015, The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06024 KIC2569073, A Second Cepheid in the Kepler FOV

Alonso-Garcia, J., Catelan, M., Amigo, P., Contreras, R., Rodrigo, C.C., Kuehn, C.A., Grundahl, F., Lo´pez, G., Salinas, R., Smith, H.A., Stetson, P., Sweigart, A., Valcarce, A.A.R., Zoccali, M. 2015, IAU General Assembly, Meeting 29, 2257435, Relative ratios and radial distributions of the mutiple populations in the Galactice globular clusters

Kuehn,C.A., Drury, J., Stello, D., Bedding, T.R. 2014, Precision Asteroseismology, IAUS 301, 445 Photometry using Kepler “superstamps” of open clusters NGC 6791 & NGC 6819

Kuehn, C.A., Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Jeon, Y.B., Nemec, J.M,, Walker, A.R., Kunder, A., Dame, K., Pritzl, B.J., De Lee, N.M, Borissova, J., 2013, 40 Years of Variable Stars: A Celebration of Contributions by Horace A. Smith, arXiv:1310.0553, RR Lyrae in the LMC: Insights Into the Oosterhoff Phenomenon

Smith, H.A., Catelan, M., Kuehn, C., 2011, RR Lyrae Stars, Metal-Poor Stars, and the Galaxy, Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, 5, 17 RR Lyrae Period-Amplitude Diagrams: From Bailey to Today

Kuehn, C., Smith, H.A., Taylor, L., McClellan, R.E., Catelan, M., Pritzl, B.J., De Lee, N., 2009, Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 203 RR Lyrae in LMC Globular Clusters