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Torrence Brown-Smith

Torrence Brown-Smith


Humanities and Social Sciences

Research/Areas of Interest

Mentor: Kyle Anne Nelson, PhD, Department of Sociology 


My Name is Torrence-Gene Brown, and I am currently majoring in Sociology, with an emphasis in inequality & institutions and a minor in Africana Studies. I was born in Oceanside, California, but did majority of my growing in Las Vegas, NV, Clinton, MD, and Aurora, CO. My academic goals are to be the first in my family to graduate college, and then obtain my Ph.D. I aspire to become a professor, influencing policies with my research to change the United States of America, and eventually the world. I am currently president of Black Student Union (BSU). Something I want people to know is that through my endeavors I hope to continue to forge high racial-esteem within the black community. I am privileged and honored to be part of the McNair family! Love, peace, and hair grease. Power to the people!