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Sherilyn Marrow

Sherilyn Marrow


Communication Studies
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-2738
Cand 1204
Office Hours
Mon 1:15-1:45 pm, Wed 2:30-3:30 pm (can be via Zoom), other times by e-mail appointment.
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Communication Studies
Campus Box 99
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

Dr. Marrow is a professor in the UNC School of Communication where she has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate classes including Family Communication, Research Methods, Health Communication, Small Group Communication, and directed the basics of public speaking program.

Other Experience

Sherilyn Marrow is a trained marriage and family psychotherapist, receiving her certification from the Marriage and Family Therapist Training Institute in Denver, CO.

Research/Areas of Interest

Sherilyn Marrow specializes in the study of families in transition and how communication and emotional expressiveness transform lives. Her lines of research are primarily in the areas of family communication, emotional expressiveness, and family resilience following natural disasters; her research has resulted in numerous publications, including a pending textbook, national and international conference presentations, and several funded research projects.

Honors and Awards

Dr. Marrow has earned over 30 teaching awards including “Outstanding Woman of the Year”; Qwest-Dex Teaching Award;  Panhellenic Council Teaching Award; UNC Mortar Board Outstanding Professor; and 2nd place in the Monfort Entrepreneurial Challenge for her upcoming children’s communication wellness program entitled “TalkShareCare.”

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