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Charles Soukup

Charles Soukup

Professor and Department Chair

Communication & Journalism
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-2059
Cand 1265B
Office Hours
Mon 12:10-1:30 pm, Thurs 12:30-2:00 pm or by appointment
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Communication Studies
Campus Box 99
Greeley, CO 80639


Research/Areas of Interest

Charles Soukup’s research and teaching emphasize the role of technology and media in the formation of culture and community. His research has examined virtual communities on the World Wide Web, the discourses of film and television, and digital popular culture texts. He is currently exploring the experience of mobile technologies (e.g., MP3 players, cell phones, notebook computers, and digital television) in the individual’s everyday life. He teaches courses concerning new media technologies, qualitative methods, intercultural communication, and persuasion. Further, Charles has developed research methods for postmodern experiences that blend aspects of ethnography, semiotics, rhetorical criticism, and phenomenology.

Publications/Creative Works

Dr. Soukup's work has appeared in journals such as The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media and Society, The Information Society, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Women’s Studies in Communication, Western Journal of Communication, and Southern Communication Journal.

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