Electronic Internal Orders - EIOs - are paperless transactions used for internal purchases and sales and are routed electronically for approval.
- Pre-authorization is required on purchases over $2000 from the Warehouse.
- Pre-authorization is also required on purchases over $500 when made from the Tech Center.
- (Effective March 2018, the Tech Center is no longer creating EIOs for departments.)
- You cannot use the EIO for Agency funds (8xxxx) as buyer or seller.
- You cannot use the EIO for State funds (10000) as the seller.
- Transportation services vehicle rentals should not be processed through the EIO system.
- Creating EIO
Below is a summary of how to complete an EIO. For detailed instructions, please review our instruction sheet.
To create an EIO:
- Log into Ursa, Employee Tab, Employee Important Links, EIO - Electronic Internal Orders, click on "Create a new EIO" and complete form.
- Once the form is completed, click on "Save Changes". Your EIO form will refresh and assign a number.
- Attach any back-up documentation.
- Click "Route to Supplying".
- Emails are used to route the documents back and forth between departments. This is not automatic, so you must push the "Route to Supplying" button.
- If the form requires pre-authorization, you will need to push that button once both parties have agreed the EIO is correct and complete.
- Note: You must be an authorized person on the ordering approval queue in order to pre-authorize. This may require another person log into Ursa and push the pre-authorize button.
- Once all above steps have been completed, you will click "Submit to Banner" to complete the EIO. This will be the date used for posting in Banner, not the date it was created.
- If an EIO needs to be edited or voided after being submitted to Banner, but before being approved, have one of the approvers Disapprove the EIO. Then contact General Accounting to remove the Banner Records and reopen the EIO. If all sides have approved the document, please contact your Accounting Specialist for help.
Things to remember:
- Departments are responsible for completing required Official Function forms and uploading the signed forms to the EIO when using account codes 72910 or 57910. If you forget to upload, you may submit the form to Financial Services, Campus Box 44 with the EIO number written on it.
- All changes and entries are logged at the bottom of the document.
- Once the document is submitted to Banner, it will require both sides to approve the document through the Approval Queues, even if pre-authorized.
- If a document sits in Banner awaiting approvals and the accounting period closes, the EIO will roll to the next accounting period/year. This will result in the Revenue/Expense posting in the next accounting period or year regardless of the created date or submitted date.
- Status of EIO
You may view the status of active EIO forms through the same Ursa portal in which you created it.
You may view the approval status of the EIO by going to Approval Alerts from the Ursa, Employee Important Links channel. Remove your name from the User ID field, and "Submit Query". Find the EIO and click on History. This will display a list of approvals required and approvals recorded.
You may also use Insight FIN050 to identify EIO approvers and pending EIOs. Once you click on the document number, if the approvers name is in Green, they have approved the document. Otherwise, the name will appear in black.
- Approving EIO
Below is a summary of how to approve an EIO. For detailed instructions, please review our instruction sheet.
- Log into Ursa, Employee Tab, Employee Important Links, Approval Alerts.
- All documents - will list all documents needing your attention first and then documents that will need your approval after the others approve it first.
- Next approver - will list documents needing your attention. If multiple people are listed on a queue, the document will list in everyone's queue until one person approves, then it will drop out of all queues.
- From your listing, select Document to see a description of purchase, FOAPal and dollar amounts.
- Select history to see who is authorized on all queues related to this document.
- Select approve to approve the expenditure and post to Banner. Select Disapprove to reject the expenditure - please provide comment as to why you are disapproving.
Remember: The document total may be different than the amount for your FOAP because it includes both the debit (ordering) and credit (supplying) entries. Select the document number to see the detail amounts by FOAP. Once all FOAP approvers complete the approval process, it will post to Banner.
- Search function
- The Search function at the top right of the EIO page will search all text fields except document description and looks at date created fields.
- You can sort on any column when viewing active or archived documents.
- The information section at the top can be hidden by clicking the bar. The message will stay hidden for 30 days or you may click to show again.
- Advanced Search allows for filtering data on criteria like dates, status and FOAPal.