People-Planet-Prosperity Learning Cohort
Join other incoming freshmen with the same class sessions!
This Learning Cohort is a group of 24 students who all sign up for the same 3 classes. This means you'll start college with folks who have a similar schedule and similar interests. Our team will also have extra advising, support, and fun events that fit into your schedules for the whole group to participate. This is a great way to make new friends, get connected, and work with dedicated faculty who are excited to help you and have you join our UNC community.
The People-Planet-Prosperity Learning Cohort will give you an applied and integrated set of introductory courses with a cohort of your new peers! All incoming students from all majors are welcome to join our learning cohort. Together we will embark on a journey across the AGES (Anthropology, Geoscience, and Environmental Sustainability) while simultaneously completing three Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) requirements, which are the general education courses that every UNC student has to take as part of graduation requirements. Read more about the LAC here:
What will we learn about?
Many important topics about the earth and society overlap. For example, Water Equity is important to consider in terms of environmental factors as well as equity considerations, and balancing people, the planet, and prosperity is an important part of sustainability.
Water equity occurs when all communities:
- have access to safe, clean, affordable drinking water and wastewater services;
- share in the economic, social, and environmental benefits of water systems;
- and are resilient in the face of floods, drought, and other climate risks.
What is the schedule?
Link to a schedule you can download and edit!
- Instructor: Dr. Trish Jolly
- CRN 12343
- LAC Requirement: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Human Behavior and Social Systems LAB3
- US Multicultural Studies and International Studies Requirement: International Studies IS
- Meets Tuesday & Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm
- Instructor: Dr. Meg Du Bray
- CRN: 12698
- LAC Requirement: Physical and Life Sciences LAS1
- Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:15am - 12:05pm
- *All students must take at least two science classes. This counts as one
- Instructor: Dr. Sharon Bywater-Reyes
- CRN: 10116 & 10119
- LAC Requirement: Science Lab Course LASL
- Lecture meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:05-9:55
- Lab meets Tuesday 12:30pm - 2:25pm
- **All student must take at least one science course with a lab, which is met by this course; this course combined with ENST 100 fulfills your entire science LAC requirement. Your major may require more than the minimum, in which case these credits still count toward your total required credits (120) as a university-wide or major-elective (talk to your adviser about choices).
General Degree Requirements
- For general graduation requirements see:
- Make sure to also check your major-specific courses and meet with your academic adviser
How to Join the Cohort:
Cohort Requirements
The only thing we require is that you are an admitted and confirmed student to UNC of any major or program. If you haven't yet applied to UNC, that's ok! You can start a new Bear App here: Go ahead and fill out our People Planet Learning Cohort application and lets us know in the comment box at the end that you are pending an application to UNC and let us know if you'd like someone to reach out to you for support.
Link to Cohort Application - Just fill out the 5 simple questions on the page linked below and we'll get you set up with the program.
If you have questions about this program, please feel free to email the AGES team at or contact one of our AGES advisors:
- Dr. Sharon Bywater-Reyes (Geology):
- Dr. Andy Creekmore (Anthropology):
- Dr. Chelsie Romulo (Environmental Studies):
Meet your Learning Cohort Instructors!
Introduction to Geology
Sharon Bywater-Reyes, PhD
Dr. Sharon Bywater-Reyes in an environmental geoscientist who studies Earth’s surface processes, including rivers and hillslopes. One of her main lines of research investigates how vegetation influences river processes, including invasive species such as tamarisk and Russian olive. She works locally within river systems to evaluate river restoration and management projects and also on trail sustainability. She teaches general geology, hydrology, soils, and geomorphology within the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences program.
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Trish Jolly, M.A.
Trish is an instructor who has been with UNC since 2006 teaching (mostly) in cultural anthropology. She teaches introduction to anthropology classes, anthropology of linguistics, anthropology of religion, contemporary native american issues, understanding culture and conflict for the antrhopology department as well as often teaching for Life of the Mind and honors. Her work as an anthropologist has taken her back to her birth country, Bolivia, on two occasions to work on culture and heritage conservation for the Ayore tribe of Bolivia and Paraguay. At UNC, she has been a Faculty in Residence since 2014 and loves that her life is surrounded by students and all the richer because of this. As a first-generation student who obtained her BA at UNC, she has a passion for supporting students at her alma matter in a wholistic way as they pursue higher education.
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Dr. Meg du Bray
Meg is a professor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies at University of Northern Colorado. Her research focuses on how people understand local ecosystem processes, and how people build relationships with each other and their landscapes under climate change. Using primarily qualitative research methods including interviews and surveys, she has conducted research in multiple locations across the United States. When not working, she enjoys reading, photography, and playing outside with her dogs.