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UNC police department is always working to build a trusting relationship with UNC students

Mia Olivas
April 20, 2023

Recent shootings across the country have raised questions about what universities can and should do to protect students. The Michigan State University shooting in February as well as the East High school shooting in Denver have brought concerns involving gun safety and active shooters closer to UNC.

Aaron Carmichael, the chief of the UNC police department, said that there are procedures in place to keep students safe.

“We now are much more about direct action. We are training specifically for the first person there is going to go in to address the threat,” Carmichael said.

He also explained that in an active shooter situation, students should be familiar with the run, hide, fight training protocol. If there is a safe route to do so, students should try to escape the building. If unable to run, students should hide behind a locked door or barricade. And in the most extreme circumstance, Carmichael said students should try to fight.

“And if you’re in that moment where it’s you or them, do everything you can to make it them,” he said.

Carmichael also discussed ways students can stay updated with the UNC police department. The Guardian Rave app allows students to communicate directly with campus police, as well as receive updates on police activity. The UNC police department also posts regularly to their social media pages.

Despite current events, some students feel secure on campus.

“I feel very safe. I don’t think I’ve ever felt unsafe,” said UNC student Joanna Salazar.

And according to Carmichael, it’s not just student perception. Compared to the rest of Greeley, UNC experiences substantially less crime.

“UNC is an island,” he said.

Carmichael said that the UNC police department is always working to build a trusting relationship with students.

“What I want for every student here at UNC to understand is that we’re some of your biggest fans. We’re trying to support you. We’re going to keep you safe.” Carmichael said.