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UNC Students Share New Year's Resolutions

Carmen Machuca
January 25, 2024

It is a new year and many people set and start their new year’s resolutions. It is a tradition where a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait behavior, or accomplish a personal goal.

Many decide to start healthy diets, start going to the gym, or pick up a productive hobby like reading to improve themselves. A few UNC students share their new year’s resolutions.

Ella Aurzada said that her resolution was to read one book each month this year, and Rosa Iowe did not set any resolutions as she thinks expectations are low this year.

“I’m just trying to be healthier, so me and my boyfriend have been eating good,” Brinlyn Dukes said. “I started a cyclebar class and I’m trying to do that every day.”

But are they a way to start the new year on the right foot?       

“I don’t know if it gives you a positive start,” Dukes said. “I feel like it could also negatively impact you because you could just forget about it in the next coming months and not think about it again until the next year