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UNC Dean Takes Center Stage: The Unexpected Man Play Features Surprising Cast Duo

Shellee SchwartzShellee Schwartz
January 25, 2024

This weekend, actors at the University of Northern Colorado will perform their newest play, The Unexpected Man. The stars of the show are usually students, but not this time around.

The two-person show features Shelly Gaza, an acting professor at UNC, and Kamel Haddad, the Dean of the Natural and Health Sciences College.

Haddad has been performing since he was a teenager in Lebanon. At the age of 14, he played Smee in “Peter Pan.” After performing for the first time, he was bitten by the theater bug and sought out more roles.

When it came time to go to college, Haddad wanted to attend for theater, but was advised by his father to find a more stable career. Haddad left Lebanon, and attended the Georgia Institute of Technology, earning a degree in mathematics.

Though he couldn’t pursue acting professionally, he still kept it as a hobby.

“I remained connected to the theater because that’s really my passion, my spiritual outlet,” he said.

Now, many years later, Haddad has the chance to combine his place of work with his passion. The Unexpected Man will mark his first performance at UNC since coming here in 2021.

He has been joined in this process by Gaza, who, despite being involved with the theater, hasn’t had the chance to act in a long time. Although she has spent her time directing and teaching, it’s been about six years since she stepped onto the stage.

The pair began rehearsals last semester, dedicating their after-school hours to creating their art. In December, they added Makenna Maupin, a senior acting major to the team as an assistant director.

Maupin says that working on this show taught her some valuable lessons.

“The biggest surprise for this, for me in this, was Kamel,” Maupin said. “He is the Dean of the Health and Sciences and has a doctorate in math. I had no idea he was such a great artist. It’s eye-opening to see that art comes from anyone and everyone, and not to judge so much.”

The Unexpected Man will perform tonight at 7:30 p.m. and tomorrow at 2:00 pm in Campus Commons Art Gallery. Admission is free.

            On Jan. 11th, the University of Northern Colorado held its winter formal. Students slowly arrived, mostly in pairs or groups. A few students walked into the dance alone.

Claire Bolon, a junior anthropology major, was one of those students. She’s been going to events by herself since her freshman year. Bolon says that, while going by yourself can be scary, it’s a good way to improve confidence.

“This is a great, low-stakes way to practice that, while having the opportunity to meet new people and make great connections,” Bolon said.

            Graphic Design major Paul Westerfield also showed up to the dance by himself. He says that he struggles to introduce himself to others, so the opportunity to meet people is a big reason why he goes to the dances.           

            Though Westerfield arrived alone, he certainly was not afraid to make himself known. In the early moments of the winter formal, he boldly took to the dance floor, leaping and moving in front of the DJ.

            “I subscribe to the phrase ‘dance like nobody’s watching’ from the perspective of, let yourself be free and do what you want to do with it,” he said.

            So, if you’re looking for a good way to get out of your comfort zone and meet some new people, attending one of UNC’s events might not be such a bad idea.