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Tobias Guzmán One on One

March 02, 2023

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential components of any community, whether in our work or personal lives. In the case of the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), DEI has been established as a division for two years now, and its mission is to educate the campus community on historical and educational aspects related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This mission is not only directed toward students but also toward faculty and staff.

The DEI division also influences the practices and policies of the university. Its position on the university’s cabinet allows it to create policy changes, adjustments, or additions to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus. To learn more about DEI at UNC, Alani Casiano spoke with Tobias Guzmán.

Tobias has been with UNC for 22 years and is an alumnus of the university. His journey to his current position is remarkable. He had about nine positions before he got to the DEI position. Tobias is passionate about DEI and believes that education is vital for everyone, regardless of background.

Tobias’s experiences with inequality, growing up in a single-parent household, and wanting to attend a private high school that was not affordable, inspired him to pursue a career in DEI. He wants to ensure that education is possible for everyone, and believes that one’s ability to attend college should not be determined by their zip code, parents’ income, or where they grew up.

DEI is proud of the events they host. The events provide a platform for students to learn about different cultures and perspectives and engage in discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion. There are 65 students involved in organizing these events. The students learn how to plan, budget, set up contracts, and other essential aspects of event planning.

Another program that DEI is proud of is the DEI Fellows program. The program has nine faculty and staff members who work within the division and are dedicated to projects related to equity and diversity. These professionals represent their colleges and DEI and work towards fostering a more inclusive and diverse campus.

DEI is an essential division at UNC, working towards creating a more inclusive and diverse campus. DEI’s commitment to education, events, and policy changes is commendable, and it is evident that the team members are passionate about their work. UNC is lucky to have individuals like Tobias, who bring their personal experiences and dedication to the job, creating a better future for all students, faculty, and staff.

Watch the full Bear News One On One interview to learn more.