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Sweater Bearer

Ivan de la Garza
May 08, 2023

You might have seen our UNC bear wearing a sweater this past week. You might have seen hearts on them. This project came about at the tail end of last semester, and came to fruition this semester thanks to the efforts of Professor Stephanie Spindler, an instructor of 3D design.

The sweater on the bear was all done to crocheting, a skill which is hard to master but worth it to learn. With finals week coming up the bear was not only a sign of good decoration and masterful crocheting. This project had one message: “You Are Loved.” A message that is “often forgotten but very necessary” said Sarah Lochen, a freshman student involved with the project.

But despite the challenging task, Spindler highlighted the great health benefits of crocheting “It’s really good for people who have attention deficit, because it helps them focus. Mental health was a key issue for Spindler and her class as they believed “it’s something everyone can resonate especially during these times of finals.”

And while the sweater was taken from the bear on Saturday, the message of hope remains bringing the UNC community a message of love from our very own “Care Bear”.