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Movie Theaters gaining back popularity

February 14, 2023

The movie theater industry took a hit during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic left countless businesses closed and many struggled to recover. Movie theaters were no exception. While the world faced uncertainty people looked for a way to stay entertained during the lengthy lockdown.

As production of major releases halted and very few movies came out, streaming services became a big part of the daily lives of movie lovers. This put the viability and the need for movie theaters in question.

But after a year and a half of waiting, the silver screen and the neon lights of movie theaters are on again. As these establishments opened their doors, the effect and comfortability was evident.

Molly Clark, a fourth year UNC student, explained her view on streaming services.

“I don’t go to the movie theaters too often, I found them gross regardless, but the pandemic did not affect my view on that,” Clark said.

Now in 2023, movie theaters have gained popularity again and big movie titles such as Avatar The Way of Water and Top Gun Maverick have become fan favorites and an experience to be had in movie theaters.

Though streaming services gained a bit of popularity, it does not necessarily mean a funeral for the big screen. Some movie lovers prefer watching movies in the theaters, as is the case with Corrisa Twinning, another fourth year UNC student.

“I prefer movie theaters because I love seeing movies in a huge screen and the noise, it’s such a fun experience,”  Twinning said.

This year is big for cinema, and the movie theater industry will not be going away anytime soon. As for now, enjoy the show!