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Michener Library Carnival 2023

Leo Mallard
April 11, 2023

50 years ago, UNC welcomed a new building onto campus. And now, that building has become a circus.

Or… more accurately, a part of it has become a carnival. To celebrate 50 years of Michener Library, the staff have put on a carnival.

The idea stemmed from a library Olympics the staff held earlier. Mostly to celebrate their employees, and a bit to test their skills, they had a staff party that included competitions like library sorting and book cart racing.

Both of these games were adapted as carnival games that any student could try their hand out. They also had pin the teeth on the Michener, chronological photo sorting, and a scavenger hunt. Also at the event, there was a photobooth and a fortune teller, whose cards told you which library event you should go to next.

“We wanted to host an event that showed students that it’s their space and it’s a space for fun,” said Rachel Dineen, associate professor and librarian at UNC.

Snacks were provided, including snow cones, popcorn, and cupcakes.

With the semester coming to a close, library staff wanted to take the time to show their appreciation for the students.

“This event is really just about showing appreciation for our students and letting them know that we welcome them all the time, and we want them to feel comfortable and make the space theirs,” Dineen said.

Besides their annual pizza lunch before finals week, this is the last event the library plans to host this semester.