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This year, the gallery featured artworks from 28 different artists

Taylor Rodriguez
May 08, 2023

The Annual Student Juried Exhibition made its return this spring. The gallery is held in the campus commons from April 20th to May 5th.

The College of Preforming and Visual Arts hosts the show each year. The purpose of the gallery is to showcase artists’ work while also giving artists the real-world experience of having their work displayed.

This year, the gallery featured artworks from 28 different artists. The annual event features the work of the finalists that were voted on and chosen by a jury. Each year a group of students comes together to vote for the best pieces to put in the gallery. Students select those artworks to be put in the show and can also award other artist’s work as well.

This year, the pieces range from multiple art practices including sculptures, digital art, woodworks and multimedia.

Belle-Pilar Fleming, Art Gallery Director, mentioned their thoughts on the gallery.

“It’s a really amazing space, and it’s so versatile for showcasing a lot of different types of work,” she said.

The gallery is open on the first floor of the Campus Commons until May 5th. For more information about upcoming galleries and other art events, you can check out UNC’s Website or check out their Instagram @UNC_Galleries.